Tutorials on GEDI Science Data Products
Date: August 26, 2021
Contact for the ORNL DAAC:
Keywords: lidar, GEDI, AGBD, aboveground biomass
These tutorials demonstrate how to discover, access, and use GEDI science data products archived at the ORNL DAAC. GEDI L3, L4A, and L4B data products are available in various data tools and services.
Requirements are in requirements.txt. To install the necessary Python libraries, you can copy the requirements.txt from this repository and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
GEDI L4A Footprint Level Aboveground Biomass Density
:green_book: Jupyter Notebooks
- Search and download GEDI L4A dataset: search and download GEDI L4A granules over an area of interest to a local machine
- Subset GEDI L4A footprints: subset downloaded GEDI L4A granules to an area of interest
- Explore GEDI L4A data structure: explore data structure, variables, and quality flags of the GEDI L4A dataset.
- Direct S3 Access GEDI L4A from the NASA EarthData Cloud: retrieve the GEDI L4A dataset from NASA Earthdata Cloud using direct S3 access.
- Access GEDI L4A dataset with NASA OPeNDAP in the Cloud: access selected variables for the GEDI L4A dataset within an area of interest using OPeNDAP Hyrax
- Access GEDI L4A dataset with NASA Harmony API: direct access and subset the GEDI L4A variables using NASA Harmony API
- Reproduce L4A AGBD estimates from GEDI L2A RH metrics: reconstruct L4A AGBD estimates using L2A relative height (RH) metrics
- Apply correction to AGBD estimates for selected L4A shots, Version 2: apply AGBD correction to Version 1 (V001) GEDI L4A shots affected with the algorithm setting group 10 issue
:computer: Python Scripts
- Search and download GEDI L4A dataset: downloads GEDI L4A granules to a local directory based on GeoJSON polygon
- Subset GEDI L4A footprints: subsets the downloaded GEDI L4A granules by a GeoJSON polygon file
- Subset GEDI L4A with NASA OPeNDAP in the Cloud: accesses the GEDI L4A dataset using NASA's OPeNDAP Hyrax
GEDI L4B Gridded Aboveground Biomass Density
:green_book: Jupyter Notebooks
- Access GEDI L4B Dataset with OGC Web Services: visualize and access the GEDI L4B dataset using the OGC WMS and WCS services
Related Resources
- NASA Earthdata Webinar: Explore NASA GEDI Aboveground Biomass Datasets, Services, and Tools at NASA's ORNL DAAC
- ESA Workshop: Synergistic Use of SAR and Lidar Data for Terrestrial Ecology Research
More resources related to ORNL DAAC data and web services can be found at the ORNL DAAC Learning page.