

Discovery Cloud

This was made as a stop-gap replaceent for discovery swarm.


We were developing on a platform (Chrome App) that had some serious network bugs and platform limitations and while waiting for the issues surriounding discovery swarm to get fixed built this as a replacement. This is the server portion of the project that will allow peers to find each other via disvoery keys and get piped websockets to each other created.

This app is intended to be deployable to heroku out of the box and require no configuration. By its design it should only ever run with a single dyno as there's no backplane for processes to communicate with each other.

Client code



The code should work as a heroku app out of the box with no extra setup.

  $ heroku create
  Creating app... done, ⬢ fish-monger-9999
  https://fish-monger-9999.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/fish-monger-9999.git
  $ git push heroku master