

Image Sequence Player for Processing

A Processing library to load, playback and display image sequences


There already is a gifAnimation library that loads, plays back and exports .gif animation, however there are cases where finer control is needed, such as:

Contributions welcome.


Method 1: via Contribution Manager

  1. Go to Processing > Sketch > Import Library... > Add Library...
  2. Type Image Sequence Player in the search field
  3. Press Install

Method 2: Manual install:

  1. Download ImageSequencePlayer.zip
  2. Unzip into Documents > Processing > libraries
  3. Restart Processing (if it was already running)

Minimal Example:

// import library
import com.hirschandmann.image.*;
// create a reference to an image sequence
ISPlayer player;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  // create instance and load all valid images from the data folder
  player = new ISPlayer(this,dataPath("name-of-image-folder-in-data"));

void draw() {
  // clear background with yellow
  background(255, 204, 0);
  // render image sequence, ISPlayer extends PImage, use it as such

// image sequence events
// all frames loaded
void onSequenceLoaded(ISPlayer player){
  println(player+" sequence fully loaded");


The library is heavily influenced by Patrick Meister's gifAnimation library

The examples include James Patterson's animation from Processing > Examples > Topics > Animation > AnimatedSprite

Developed by George Profenza at Hirsch & Mann and used on multiple projects such as: