

OrbitDB Storage Adapter

CircleCI Gitter Matrix

A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, used by OrbitDB

This is a tool that manages a persistent connection to an abstract-leveldown compliant store. The implementation tests indicate include examples for the following stores

Help is wanted to support more stores!

OrbitDB uses it primarily with levelup (in node.js) and level-js (in the browser) and inside the orbit-db-keystore and orbit-db-cache packages.


Leveldown is used as an example here, but you could install any abstract-leveldown complaint store.

npm install orbit-db-storage-adapter leveldown


Usage is the same on the command line or in the browser. async/await used for brevity.

// Requirements
import leveldown from 'leveldown' // or any abstract-leveldown complaint store
import storageAdapter from 'orbit-db-storage-adapter')

const leveldownOptions = {}
const storage = storageAdapter(leveldown, leveldownOptions)

const levelupOptions = {} // see below
store = await storage.createStore(location, levelupOptions) // These options passed to levelup instance
// ***
// Do stuff with the store here: get, put, delete, batch, etc
// **
await store.close()
await storage.destroy(store)


When setting everything up, you have the opportunity to pass two sets of options: one for the leveldown instantiation, and the other for the levelup instantiation.


Pull requests and issues are welcome. Issues tagged with "Help Wanted" will have the most impact.


MIT © Haja Networks Oy