


Gitter Matrix Discord

Bot for Orbit communication network that caches messages

Status: WIP

This project was never used in production, and has not been touched in a while. Keep that in mind!


This project uses nodejs.

git clone https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-bot


This is a WIP but feel free to submit an issue! You can reach us on Gitter, or in the issues section.

We also have regular community calls, which we announce in the issues in the @orbitdb welcome repository. Join us!

For specific guidelines for contributing to this repository, check out the Contributing guide. For more on contributing to OrbitDB in general, take a look at the @OrbitDB welcome repository. Please note that all interactions in @OrbitDB fall under our Code of Conduct.


MIT © 2016-2018 Protocol Labs Inc., 2018 Haja Networks Oy