<div align="center"> <img src="" alt="Wallet Connect Logo" width="70"/> <h1>Wallet Connect</h1> </div>Wallet Connect client in dart highly inspired from wallet-connect-kotlin by Trust Wallet.
import 'package:wallet_connect/wallet_connect.dart';
- Create instance of Wallet connect client and define callbacks.
final wcClient = WCClient(
onConnect: () {
// Respond to connect callback
onDisconnect: (code, reason) {
// Respond to disconnect callback
onFailure: (error) {
// Respond to connection failure callback
onSessionRequest: (id, peerMeta) {
// Respond to connection request callback
onEthSign: (id, message) {
// Respond to personal_sign or eth_sign or eth_signTypedData request callback
onEthSendTransaction: (id, tx) {
// Respond to eth_sendTransaction request callback
onEthSignTransaction: (id, tx) {
// Respond to eth_signTransaction request callback
- Create WCSession object from wc: uri.
final session = WCSession.from(wcUri);
- Create WCPeerMeta object containing metadata for your app.
final peerMeta = WCPeerMeta(
name: 'Example Wallet',
url: 'https://example.wallet',
description: 'Example Wallet',
icons: [],
- Connect to a new session.
wcClient.connectNewSession(session: session, peerMeta: peerMeta);
- Or connect to a saved session (from step 8).
- Approve a session connection request.
accounts: [], // account addresses
chainId: 1, // chain id
- Or reject a session connection request.
- Get active session from sessionStore getter to save for later use.
final sessionStore = wcClient.sessionStore;
- Approve a sign transaction request by signing the transaction and sending the signed hex data.
id: id,
result: signedDataAsHex,
- Approve a send transaction request by sending the transaction hash generated from sending the transaction.
id: id,
result: transactionHash,
- Approve a sign request by sending the signed data hex generated.
id: id,
result: signedDataAsHex,
- Or reject any of the requests above by specifying request id.
wcClient.rejectRequest(id: id);
- Disconnect from a connected session locally.
- Permanently close a connected session.