


Please, have a look at the vidéo, https://youtu.be/u2TaByk-uVE

KinematicV9.ino is a very simple program in C language to test your quadruped kinematic. This example is for a 8 servos quadruped like a Kame. Credit to JavierIH, owenlab, manic-3d-print. All servos work simultaneously. This is the good of this program. Do the following :

QuadrupedKinematicStroll-V3.ino is a program based on KinematicV9.ino This program is a stroll example with forward, turn left and turn right. Notice that the 4 first lines of the tables are the same but in different order.

QuadrupedKinematicUS-V1.ino is a program using an ultrasonic sensor. It looks very much like QuadrupedKinematicStroll-V3.ino exept that it uses the ultrasonic sensor to change way.