


Simple clone contract factory Build Status

Check out the contracts/CloneFactory.sol file for details. This code (intended to be called from an implementor factory contract) will allow you to install a master copy of a contract, then easily (cheaply) create clones with separate state. The deployed bytecode just delegates all calls to the master contract address.

npm install @optionality.io/clone-factory

import "./Thing.sol";
import "@optionality.io/clone-factory/contracts/CloneFactory.sol";
import "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";

contract ThingFactory is Ownable, CloneFactory {

  address public libraryAddress;

  event ThingCreated(address newThingAddress);

  function ThingFactory(address _libraryAddress) public {
    libraryAddress = _libraryAddress;

  function setLibraryAddress(address _libraryAddress) public onlyOwner {
    libraryAddress = _libraryAddress;

  function createThing(string _name, uint _value) public onlyOwner {
    address clone = createClone(libraryAddress);
    Thing(clone).init(_name, _value);

This will inexpensively create a mimimalist forwarding shim contract that will delegate all calls to the contract libraryAddress


Use vanity contract addresses for even CHEAPER clone contracts

Using vanity-eth generate a vanity contract address with up to 4 bytes of leading zeros and use the CloneFactory16 - CloneFactory18 versions to deploy even smaller clones. HT to wjmelements for pointing this out!

ContractProbe contract

Using this deployed contract d'apps, wallets, or other contracts can detect if an address contains a clone and to what address it redirects to. This contract is deployed at the following addresses:

Build Notes

To run the scripts/r2.js script, you need to have radare2 installed along with the evm module (r2pm install evm).


Code released under the MIT License.