LLDL is a modification of Lin and Moré's limited-memory Cholesky factorization code-named ICFS for symmetric positive definite matrices. LLDL implements a similar limited-memory scheme for symmetric indefinite matrices that possess a LDL<sup>T</sup> factorization, i.e., with D diagonal. Symmetric quasi-definite matrices fall into this category.
LLDL is applicable to symmetric indefinite matrices that are not quasi definite, or more generally do not admit a LDL<sup>T</sup> factorization. In this case, it computes an incomplete LDL<sup>T</sup> factorization of a nearby matrix.
The main idea is that if L and D are the exact factors of A, the preconditioned matrix (L |D| L<sup>T</sup>)<sup>-1</sup> A has only two eigenvalues: +1 and -1. The hope is that incomplete factors will strike a good balance between computational cost and eigenvalue clustering.
It remains possible to use MINRES or SYMMLQ on the symmetrically-preconditioned system
|D|<sup>-1/2</sup> L<sup>-1</sup> A L<sup>-T</sup> |D|<sup>-1/2</sup> x = |D|<sup>-1/2</sup> L<sup>-1</sup> b.
Just do it ;)
You can use non-default compilers and compiler flags by passing options to the install
script. For instance
CC=clang FC=ifort CFLAGS='-g' FFLAGS='-FI' ./install
Here is the complete list:
$ ./install --help
install [--help] [--skip-matlab-check]
The following environment variables may be set to influence
the behavior of the install procedure:
CC C compiler executable
FC Fortran compiler executable
CFLAGS C compiler flags
FFLAGS Fortran compiler flags
MATLABDIR Path to Matlab's bin and extern subdirs
Matlab Interface
You can specify the location of Matlab's bin
and extern
subdirectories using the MATLABDIR
MATLABDIR=/Applications/Matlab/ ./install
The original Matlab interface has been fixed and modernized. The Mathworks only support version 4.3 gfortran on OSX and Linux. On Linux, gcc-4.3
should be found in your package manager. On OSX, I recommend using Homebrew. Once Homebrew is installed, gcc-4.3
, including the Fortran compiler, may be installed using
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install gcc43 --enable-fortran --enable-profiled-build
The compiler executables installed by the above commands are those used by default in LLDL's install
script. If you know that your compilers will produce valid MEX files (it is the case for gcc-4.2
and gfortran-4.2
on OSX 10.6.8), then:
./install --skip-matlab-check
Here is an example Matlab session:
n = 6; m = 4; E = rand(m,n);
A = [(n+m+1)*eye(n) E' ; E -(n+m+1)*eye(m)];
Adiag = full(diag(A)); lA = sparse(tril(A,-1)); p=1;
[L, D, shift] = lldl(lA, Adiag, p);
L = L + speye(size(L)); % Diagonal was left out of L.
In practice it is more programmatically convenient to use the incomplete factors L and D as implicitly defining the preconditioner by bundling them into an abstract SPOT operator:
LLDL = opLLDL(A, p);
x = LLDL * y; % Solves L |D| L' x = y;
Python Interface
A Python interface is included as part of NLPy.
Julia Interface
A Julia interface is included in the julia folder. You must have Julia installed. Due to a bug in version 0.2.1, you should install a more recent version. If you use Homebrew
brew install gcc
brew tap staticfloat/julia
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install julia --HEAD # Add --64bit if desired.
Here is an example Julia session:
n = 10; m = 6; E = sprand(m, n, .2); p = 1;
A = [(n+m+1)*speye(n) E' ; E -(n+m+1)*speye(m)];
(L, d, shift) = lldl(K, p); # Returns L as a matrix, not including unit diagonal
(LLDL, shift) = lldl_op(K, p); # Returns a linear operator
x = LLDL * y; # Solves L |D| L' x = y;
Run lldl_test.jl
for another example.
Trouble / Questions / Bugs
Search existing issues. If that does not answer your question, please open a new issue.
The test problems in the tprobs
folder and the preconditioned CG implementation are relics of ICFS. The main driver is not applicable, except if the coefficient matrix is definite.
To Do List
This is a list of improvements that could be added to LLDL to improve its efficiency, particularly with Matlab.
- Drop-off threshold.
- Implicit permutation: instead of having to explicity apply a reordering, the user supplies a permutation vector. The incomplete factorization proceeds in the order given by this permutation vector.
- D. Orban. Limited-Memory LDL<sup>T</sup> Factorization of Symmetric Quasi-Definite Matrices with Application to Constrained Optimization. Cahier du GERAD G-2013-87. GERAD, Montreal, Canada.
- C.-J. Lin and J. J. Moré. Incomplete Cholesky factorizations with limited memory. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 21(1):24--45, 1999.
The original ICFS README is in README.orig