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<a name="provider_aws"></a> aws>= 5.0
<a name="provider_random"></a> random>= 3.0


<a name="input_admin_user_password"></a> admin_user_passwordThe password of the administrator for the first database created in the namespace.string""no
<a name="input_admin_username"></a> admin_usernameThe username of the administrator for the first database created in the namespace.string""no
<a name="input_amount"></a> amountThe limit amount. If time-based, this amount is in Redshift Processing Units (RPU) consumed per hour. If data-based, this amount is in terabytes (TB) of data transferred between Regions in cross-account sharing. The value must be a positive number.number60no
<a name="input_assume_role_policy"></a> assume_role_policyPolicy that grants an entity permission to assume the role.anynullno
<a name="input_base_capacity"></a> base_capacityThe base data warehouse capacity of the workgroup in Redshift Processing Units (RPUs).number28no
<a name="input_breach_action"></a> breach_actionThe action that Amazon Redshift Serverless takes when the limit is reached. Valid values are log, emit-metric, and deactivate. The default is log.string"log"no
<a name="input_config_parameter"></a> config_parameterAn array of parameters to set for more control over a serverless database.list(any)[]no
<a name="input_create"></a> createDetermines whether to create Redshift cluster and resources (affects all resources)booltrueno
<a name="input_create_random_password"></a> create_random_passwordDetermines whether to create random password for cluster master_passwordbooltrueno
<a name="input_db_name"></a> db_nameThe name of the first database created in the namespace.string""no
<a name="input_default_iam_role_arn"></a> default_iam_role_arnThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that was set as default for the cluster when the cluster was createdstringnullno
<a name="input_endpoint_enable"></a> endpoint_enableIf true, VPC endpoint is enabledbooltrueno
<a name="input_endpoint_name"></a> endpoint_nameThe Redshift-managed VPC endpoint namestring""no
<a name="input_enhanced_vpc_routing"></a> enhanced_vpc_routingIf true, enhanced VPC routing is enabledboolnullno
<a name="input_iam_role_enabled"></a> iam_role_enabledIf true, iam role resource is enabledbooltrueno
<a name="input_iam_role_name"></a> iam_role_nameThe name of the iam rolestring""no
<a name="input_iam_roles"></a> iam_rolesA list of IAM roles to associate with the namespace.list(any)[]no
<a name="input_kms_alias"></a> kms_aliasThe display name of the alias. The name must start with the word 'alias' followed by a forward slash (alias/)string"alias/redshift-serverless"no
<a name="input_kms_enabled"></a> kms_enabledIf true, kms key is enabledbooltrueno
<a name="input_kms_key_id"></a> kms_key_idThe ARN of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key used to encrypt your data.string""no
<a name="input_log_exports"></a> log_exportsThe types of logs the namespace can export. Available export types are userlog, connectionlog, and useractivitylog.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_namespace_name"></a> namespace_nameThe name of the namespace.string""no
<a name="input_period"></a> periodThe time period that the amount applies to. A weekly period begins on Sunday. Valid values are daily, weekly, and monthly. The default is monthly.string"monthly"no
<a name="input_policy"></a> policyIf true, iam policy is enabledanynullno
<a name="input_policy_arn"></a> policy_arnThe ARN of the policy you want to apply.string""no
<a name="input_policy_enabled"></a> policy_enabledWhether to Attach Iam policy with role.booltrueno
<a name="input_policy_name"></a> policy_nameThe name of the iam policy name.string""no
<a name="input_publicly_accessible"></a> publicly_accessibleIf true, the cluster can be accessed from a public networkboolfalseno
<a name="input_random_password_length"></a> random_password_lengthLength of random password to create. Defaults to 16number16no
<a name="input_retention_period"></a> retention_periodHow long to retain the created snapshot. Default value is -1.string"-1"no
<a name="input_secrets_manager_enabled"></a> secrets_manager_enabledIf true, secrets manages resource is enabledbooltrueno
<a name="input_secrets_manager_name"></a> secrets_manager_nameThe name of the secrets manager.string""no
<a name="input_security_group_ids"></a> security_group_idsAn array of security group IDs to associate with the workgroup.list(any)[]no
<a name="input_serverless_resource_policy"></a> serverless_resource_policyIf true, serverless resource policy is enabledanynullno
<a name="input_snapshot_enable"></a> snapshot_enableIf true, snapshot is enabledboolfalseno
<a name="input_snapshot_name"></a> snapshot_nameThe name of the snapshot.string""no
<a name="input_snapshot_policy_enable"></a> snapshot_policy_enableIf true, snapshot policy is enabledboolfalseno
<a name="input_subnet_ids"></a> subnet_idsAn array of VPC subnet IDs to use in the subnet grouplist(string)nullno
<a name="input_tags"></a> tagsA map of tags to add to all resourcesmap(string){}no
<a name="input_usage_type"></a> usage_typeThe type of Amazon Redshift Serverless usage to create a usage limit for. Valid values are serverless-compute or cross-region-datasharing.string"serverless-compute"no
<a name="input_workgroup_name"></a> workgroup_nameThe name of the workgroup.string""no




<a name="output_endpoint_access_arn"></a> endpoint_access_arnAmazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Redshift Serverless Endpoint Access.
<a name="output_endpoint_access_name"></a> endpoint_access_nameAmazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Redshift Serverless Endpoint Access.
<a name="output_limit_arn"></a> limit_arnAmazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Redshift Serverless Usage Limit.
<a name="output_limit_id"></a> limit_idThe Redshift Usage Limit id.
<a name="output_namespace_arn"></a> namespace_arnThe Redshift Namespace ID.
<a name="output_namespace_id"></a> namespace_idThe Redshift Namespace ID.
<a name="output_namespace_name"></a> namespace_nameThe Redshift Namespace Name.
<a name="output_snapshot_accounts_with_restore_access"></a> snapshot_accounts_with_restore_accessAll of the Amazon Web Services accounts that have access to restore a snapshot to a namespace.
<a name="output_snapshot_admin_username"></a> snapshot_admin_usernameThe username of the database within a snapshot.
<a name="output_snapshot_arn"></a> snapshot_arnThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the namespace the snapshot was created from.
<a name="output_snapshot_name"></a> snapshot_nameThe name of the snapshot.
<a name="output_snapshot_namespace_arn"></a> snapshot_namespace_arnThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the namespace the snapshot was created from.
<a name="output_snapshot_owner_account"></a> snapshot_owner_accountThe owner Amazon Web Services; account of the snapshot.
<a name="output_vpc_endpoint"></a> vpc_endpointThe VPC endpoint or the Redshift Serverless workgroup
<a name="output_workgroup_arn"></a> workgroup_arnAmazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Redshift Serverless Workgroup.
<a name="output_workgroup_id"></a> workgroup_idThe Redshift Workgroup ID.
<a name="output_workgroup_name"></a> workgroup_nameThe Redshift Workgroup Name.

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