


NW-Debug is an oldschool debugger, wrote by Net Walker (lnwalker@hotmail.com), I'm just publishing the sources to keep this excellent code alive.

NW-Debug, is a windows debugger (W95 and W98), written in asm.

***           NWDEBUGGER 0.3          ***
***   Net Walker Simple Debug Model   ***
***        Version 0.3 (alpha)        ***
***         May, 14th - 1998          ***

Net Walker

Hi all,

I friend of mine had asked me a dynamic patcher for a specific application.  I'm used to build Win32 GUI interfaces using assembly and then, I decided to build one for him.  Just after starting that work, I thought I could do a more generic tool.  After coding for half an hour I remember I have not seen much Win32 assembly source codes in the net...again I changed my plans and decided to turn my patcher to a simple debug application and release its sources. I hope they would be usefull to programmers trying to initiate on Win-GUI assembly programming, and to reverse-enginners trying to learn the basics of Win32 Debug API.  
Have fun!

Net Walker Simple (very simple) Debugger shows :
- How to use resource scripts in order to build Win32 Graphical User Interfaces in assembly language.  You can create all the controls (button, editboxes, and so on) individually - I was used to :(, but it is much easier to use a resource editor to build a Dialog Box, and use it as a Main Window.  There is some Win32 assembly examples on the Net, but as fair as I know, none of then goes beyond Menus, Icons, and Child  dialog boxes.
- How to use the main functions of Win32 Debug API.  Adding some code (and research/study) you can make your own debugger, memory patcher, unpacker, tracer, etc.  I have already done some of these, but I'll try to enhance some cosmetic features :) before releasing them.

- You can "Patch" (Read/Write) or "Dump" any process running on machine provided you know its Process ID.  Dumping/Patching a non-debugged process doesn't work on windows NT.
- You cand "Suspend" any process being debugged at any time.
- Breakpoints can be applied on Parent or Child Process.  You can apply only one breakpoint at each time and the debugger will not verify if the breakpoint is on a valid addres (i.e. at the beggining of an opcode).   After triggering the breakpoint it is removed (I'll fix this later).

The next improvements will be a "tracer", a PE Object Extractor (similar to NW Pextor and NW GetLoader), DLL Injector, API Hooker + bug fixes :)

Please, I need suggestions to a better user interface.  The "Actions" groupbox is becoming very small :).

On \Test directory you will found some simple win32 exe files I'm using to test this application 

Net Walker!


May, 14th / Brazil



I don't own this source code, Net Walker is the original author, I'm only publishing this code to share it with the world, and to let this nostalgic project inspire and be an example.