

OpenVINO™ Model Server

Model Server hosts models and makes them accessible to software components over standard network protocols: a client sends a request to the model server, which performs model inference and sends a response back to the client. Model Server offers many advantages for efficient model deployment:

OVMS diagram

OpenVINO™ Model Server (OVMS) is a high-performance system for serving models. Implemented in C++ for scalability and optimized for deployment on Intel architectures, the model server uses the same architecture and API as TensorFlow Serving and KServe while applying OpenVINO for inference execution. Inference service is provided via gRPC or REST API, making deploying new algorithms and AI experiments easy.

OVMS picture

The models used by the server need to be stored locally or hosted remotely by object storage services. For more details, refer to Preparing Model Repository documentation. Model server works inside Docker containers, on Bare Metal, and in Kubernetes environment. Start using OpenVINO Model Server with a fast-forward serving example from the Quickstart guide or explore Model Server features.

Read release notes to find out what’s new.

Key features:

Note: OVMS has been tested on RedHat, and Ubuntu. The latest publicly released docker images are based on Ubuntu and UBI. They are stored in:

Run OpenVINO Model Server

A demonstration on how to use OpenVINO Model Server can be found in our quick-start guide. For more information on using Model Server in various scenarios you can check the following guides:



If you have a question, a feature request, or a bug report, feel free to submit a Github issue.

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