

oh-see Build Status

So that you can see how OC components look in production before publishing them to production.

Oh-see is a wrapper for mirror-mirror which is a wrapper for Nightmare.js. Oh-see is been built for:

Most important features:



npm install oh-see

Usage example

const OhSee = require('oh-see');

const oh = OhSee({
  // Nightmare.js options
  openDevTools: true,
  show: false

  concurrency: 5,
  timeout: 20000,
  debug: true,
  componentName: 'a-component',

  urls: {
    com_home: 'http://www.mywebsite.com',
    com_search: 'http://www.mywebsite.com/?s=something',
    com_product: 'https://www.mywebsite.com/item'

  transformation: {
    type: 'replaceBaseUrl',
    newUrl: 'http://localhost:3030/',
    oldUrl: 'https://oc-registry.mywebsite.com/'

  screenshotsPath: './screenshots'

oh.run((err, result) => {


  1. Set up an instance
  2. Configure the runner
  1. Start the runner

Set up an instance

var ohSee = new OhSee([NighmareOptions]);

Look at Nighmare.js options.

Configure the runner


This is an object with the following structure:

componentNamestringyesThe component name
concurrencynumbernoDefault 3, is the concurrency of tests
cookiesobjectnoAllows to specify cookies to be used for each request
debugbooleannoWhen true, shows stuff in the console
headersobjectnoAllows to specify headers to be used for each request
preRenderingarray of functionsnoAn array of nightmareJs actions to perform before the first screenshots. Look at the example below
postRenderingarray of functionsnoAn array of nightmareJs actions to perform after the transformation and before the second screenshots. Look at the example below
retriesnumbernoDefault 3, number of retries after a failing session
screenshotsPathstringyesThe path where to save the screenshots
timeoutnumbernoDefault 20000, when the session is going to be restarted
transformationobjectyesThe transformation to apply to the component. Look at the Transformation types below
tryAppendLangbooleannoDefault false, when true appends to the component's href the __ocAcceptLanguage parameter, inheriting the value from html DOM element's lang attribute. This is required when re-rendering a server-side rendered component that depends on Accept-Language attribute for being rendered in the correct language
urlsobjectyesThe urls to test. Key is used to generate screenshots file name so keep it simple and without spaces and stuff
viewportsarray of arraysnoDefault [[800, 600]], the viewports for executing the tests

Nightmare actions example

This example shows how to make a screenshot with a menu opened, assuming the transformation replaces the menu and then needs to run another javascript initialisation and then wait to complete before performing the same action again.

  preRender: [
    (nightmare) => nightmare.evaluate(() => $('#navbar-button').click()
  postRender: [
    (nightmare) => nightmare.evaluate(() => {
      window.menusReady = false;
      window.menus.initialise(() => window.menusReady = true);

    (nightmare) => nightmare.wait(() => window.menusReady === true),

    (nightmare) => nightmare.evaluate(() => $('#navbar-button').click())

Transformation types

Base url replacement

Replaces the components' base url to another one. Useful for comparing a local one with the production one.

const transformation = {
  type: 'replaceBaseUrl',
  oldUrl: 'https://my-registry.my-company.com',
  newUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/'

Start the runner


Where callback is going to have an error and/or a response with the results. If any of the requests fails, the callback will include both an error + the response with succeeding screenshot links.


Yes please. Open an issue first.
