



This project along with other ones in OpenSTF organisation is provided as is for community, without active development.

You can check any other forks that may be actively developed and offer new/different features here.

Active development has been moved to DeviceFarmer organisation.

stf-device-db is a JSON-based database of smartphones, tablets and wearables. The database includes thumbnails for each device and some basic information about the default model at the time of release. It is not complete; currently it mainly covers devices sold in the Japanese market. Data is added as required.

This database is currently being used in STF.


For each device, the following information is provided:

The model code can usually be retrieved from a device quite easily, which then allows fairly straightforward mapping to the device data. Note that some carriers may sometimes prefix models numbers with their own code, which you must strip first.


The data in this repository is updated regularly from various sources.


On OS X, you can install the last three with:

brew install jq jpegoptim graphicsmagick


Simply run make at the top of the repo after making sure you have the requirements installed. You will then have a complete list of resized icons and photos in the dist folder.


Install via NPM:

npm install --save stf-device-db

The module is prebuilt before publishing, so you don't need the build requirements if you just want to use the library.

Then you must find your device's model number and possibly the internal product name. On Android, this can be done with:

adb shell getprop ro.product.model
adb shell getprop ro.product.name

The internal product name is not required, but helps make a more specific match for some devices (mainly Nexus devices which reuse the model code for newer models of the same size).

For example, for a Nexus 5 these values would be:

  "model": "Nexus 5",
  "name": "hammerhead"

You can then require the database and use it to find matching data based on the above values:

var db = require('stf-device-db')

var data = db.find({
  model: 'Nexus 5',
  name: 'hammerhead'

data would then be:

{ carrier: { code: 'e', name: 'イー・モバイル' },
  cpu: { cores: 4, freq: 2.26, name: 'Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 MSM8974' },
  date: '2013-11-14T15:00:00.000Z',
  display: { h: 1920, s: 5, w: 1080 },
  maker: { code: 'l', name: 'LG' },
  memory: { ram: 2048, rom: 32768 },
  name: { id: 'Nexus 5', long: 'EM01L' },
  os: { type: 'android', ver: '5.1' },
  image: 'Nexus_5.jpg' }

If no match is found, find() returns null.

Device thumbnails and photos are provided in the dist folder. It can be served as a static folder.





<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.