


What it is and what it does:

Here at openspace, this is our reference first boot script for any Debian / Ubuntu machine. It will perform the following actions:

  1. Prompt you to update the machine hostname
  2. Set your default locale to something that actually works
  3. Harden your SSH config by: 03.01. Prompting you to add your SSH public key and disable password authentication for secure key-based remote login 03.02. Prompting you to change the SSH listening port to 42022 03.04. Adding whichever port you choose to the UFW allowed ports, install and enable UFW
  4. Prompt you to set the correct timezone for the machine
  5. Unset the default root password just in case
  6. Create a non-root user and allowing it to sudo
  7. Install essential system utilities that you'll love
  8. Performing a full APT update / upgrade / dist-upgrade / autoremove

How to execute:

[log in as root on your target machine]
apt update
apt install git
git clone https://github.com/openspace42/inception
bash inception/setup