


Supervised approach of rhythm quantification based on tree series enumeration

The RQ library for OM proposes a new interactive approach for rhythm quantification. In contrast with previous single-solution systems, RQ runs a graphical interface that allows to visualize and edit the transcriptions of the segmented input sequence.

<img src="./docs/images/quant-system-interface.png">

A. Ycart, F. Jacquemard, J. Bresson — UMR STMS Ircam/CNRS/SU, 2015-2016

The k-best parsing

The quantization algorithm is a recursive, dynamic-programming, lazy algorithm. It works by recursively subdividing segments into equal parts, and then aligning the input points to the closest segment boundary. The algorithm enumerates the subdivisions that give the best results, ranked according to a criterion that combines two quality measures :


OpenMusic 6.10 and higher.


See Project Wiki

Further reading

The RQ transcription system is described in:

More in-depth description of the algorithm can be found in:

See also a presentation of the library (in French).

The algorithm is based on the algorithms described in:

The segmentation algorithm is described in:

More on rhythmic notation, rhythmic quantification and rhythm trees:

For any inquiries, please contact : adrien[dot]ycart[at]ircam.fr