

Medical Image Segmentation Foundation Model

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This repository provides the official implementation of pretrained medical image segmentation models based on Volume Fusion (VolF), accordingn to the following papers:

<!-- @article{Wang2023arxiv, title={MIS-FM: 3D Medical Image Segmentation using Foundation Models Pretrained on a Large-Scale Unannotated Dataset}, author={Guotai Wang, Jianghao Wu, Xiangde Luo, Xinglong Liu, Kang Li, Shaoting Zhang}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.16925}, year={2023} } @article{Wang2024MisFm, title={ Volume Fusion-based Self-Supervised Pretraining for 3D Medical Image Segmentation}, author={Guotai Wang, Jia Fu,Jianghao Wu, Xiangde Luo, Yubo Zhou, Xinglong Liu, Kang Li, Jingsheng Lin, Baiyong Sheng, Shaoting Zhang}, journal={Submitted to MedIA}, year={2024} } --> <!-- [Code] may link to your project at your institute> <!-- give a introduction of your project -->


The following figure shows an overview of our proposed method for pretraining with unannotated 3D medical images. We introduce a pretext task based on pseudo-segmentation, where Volume Fusion is used to generate paired images and segmentation labels to pretrain the 3D segmentation model, which can better match the downstream task of segmentation than existing Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods.

<!-- Insert a pipeline of your algorithm here if got one --> <div align="center"> <a href="https://"><img width="auto" height="auto" src="figures/framework.png"></a> </div> <!-- The pretraining strategy is combined with our proposed PCT-Net to obtain a pretrained model that is applied to segmentation of different objects from 3D medical images after fine tuning with a small set of labeled data. -->

VolF for Pre-training

1, The implementation of VolF (and some other self-supervised learning methods) is provided in PyMIC. Please see the PyMIC repository for details. Especially, the following three classes are key components of VolF:

2, For examples of using VolF for pretraining, please see a demo implemented in PyMIC_examples. In that demo, we train a 3D UNet with the LUNA dataset using VolF, and show applying the pretrained model to a downstream dataset LCTSC2017 for chest organ segmentation.

<!-- ### Datasets We used 10k CT volumes from public datasets and 103k private CT volumes for pretraining. <div align="center"> <a href="https://"><img width="500px" height="auto" src="figures/datasets.png"></a> </div> -->

List of Pretrained Models

Here we provide a list of models pretrained by VoLF using different network structures and datasets. The pretrained weights can be downloaded from Google Drive.

NetworkDatasetModel Name

where FMUNet is a modified version of 3D UNet as described in [2], and PCT-Net is a hybrid model using CNN and Transformer proposed in [1].

Demo for Using the Pretrained Model

Package and data requirement

In this demo, we show the use of pretrained FMUNet and PCT-Net for left atrial segmentation. Please install PyMIC and its requirements first. PyMIC can be installed by:

pip install PYMIC==0.5.0

The downstream dataset for this demo can be downloaded from PYMIC_data.

The settings for dataset, network and training/testing can be found in configuration files:

After downloading the data, edit the value of train_dir in the configuration files, and make sure the path to the images is correct.


python net_run.py train demo/{NET_NAME}_scratch.cfg

where NET_NAME could be fmunet or pctnet.


python net_run.py test demo/{NET_NAME}_scratch.cfg

where NET_NAME could be fmunet or pctnet.


pymic_eval_seg -cfg demo/evaluation.cfg

You may need to edit demo/evaluation.cfg to specify the path of segmentation results before evaluating the performance.

In this simple demo, for PCT-Net, the segmentation Dice was 90.71% and 91.80% for training from scratch and from the pretrained weights, respectively. Note that the maximal iteration was set to 6000 in this demo for a quick training. You may use a larger iteration number for an even better performance.

šŸ›”ļø License

This project is under the Apache license. See LICENSE for details.

<!-- ## šŸ“ Citation If you find this repository useful, please consider citing this paper: ``` @article{John2023, title={paper}, author={John}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:}, year={2023} } ``` -->