

<!-- Copyright 2020, 2021 OpenHW Group Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware Licence, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://solderpad.org/licenses/ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.0 -->


Functional verification project for the CORE-V family of RISC-V cores.

<!-- ## NEWS UPDATES: **2021-07-15**: The verificaton environment for the [cv32e40s](https://github.com/openhwgroup/cv32e40s) is up and running. <br> **2021-03-23**: The verificaton environment for the [cv32e40x](https://github.com/openhwgroup/cv32e40x) is up and running. <br> **2020-12-16**: The [cv32e40p_v1.0.0](https://github.com/openhwgroup/core-v-verif/releases/tag/22dc5fc) of core-v-verif is released. This tag clones the v1.0.0 release of the CV32E40P CORE-V core and will allow you to reproduce the verification environment as it existed at `RTL Freeze`. <br> More news is available in the [archive](https://github.com/openhwgroup/core-v-verif/blob/master/NEWS_ARCHIVE.md). -->

Getting Started

First, have a look at the OpenHW Group's website to learn a bit more about who we are and what we are doing. <br> For first time users of CORE-V-VERIF, the Quick Start Guide in the CORE-V-VERIF Verification Strategy is the best place to start.

<!-- ### Getting started with CV32E4\* cores If you want to run a simulation there are two options: 1. To run the CORE testbench for the CV32E40P, go to `cv32e40p/sim/core` and read the README. 2. To run any of the CV32E4\* UVM environment go to `mk/uvmt` and read the README. --> <!-- #### CV32E40P coverage data The most recently published coverage report for the CV32E40P can be found [here](https://openhwgroup.github.io/core-v-verif/). --> <!-- ### Getting started with CVA6 To run CVA6 testbench, go to [cva6](cva6) directory and read the README. -->

Directory Structure of this Repo


Various utilities for running tests and performing various verification-related activities in the core-v-verif repository.


Empty sub-directory into which the RTL from one or more of the CORE-V-CORES repositories is cloned.

cv32e40p, cv32e40x, cv32e40s, cva6

Core-specific verification code.


Sources for the Verification Strategy document, DV plans, coding style guidelines and available coverage reports.


Common simulation Makefiles that support testbenches for all CORE-V cores.


Common components for the all CORE-V verification environments.


Verification components supported by third-parties.


We highly appreciate community contributions. You can get a sense of our current needs by reviewing the GitHub projects associated with this repository. Individual work-items within a project are defined as issues with a task label. <br><br>To ease our work of reviewing your contributions, please:


Check out the acknowledgements.