


A collection of container images used in CI across various opencontainers projects.


The following table is a complete list of all images built by this repo and links to their respective registry homepage(s):

NameBuild StatusProject UsageRegistry Link(s)
pandocGitHub Actions statusFor converting Markdown to HTML/PDF(1) GHCR
golangci-lintGitHub Actions statusFor linting Go source files(1) GHCR


Each image has a corresponding GitHub Action workflow which can be found in this repo at .github/workflows/<name>.yml.

All related files for a given image can be found at the root of this repo under directory by the image's name (e.g. pandoc/).

CI will trigger for an image if any files related to the image are modified as part of the incoming commit (including the GitHub Action .yml file itself).

As of now, the tag naming scheme is unique to each image.

Pull Requests

When making a pull request, CI will be triggered to check that any images related to your change will build successfully.

New images are welcome, but keep in mind that they must serve some purpose related to CI in the opencontainers organization.

When adding a new image, please make sure to update this README and add new GitHub Actions workflows for both push and pull_request.