


This is an opinionated single-file OpenVPN TLS certificate manager and OpenVPN configuration generator. It has no dependencies on any other external tool such as openssl. It is a replacement for and an enhancement to easy-rsa (typically bundled with OpenVPN).



Building ovpn-tool

You will need a fairly recent golang toolchain (>1.10):

$ git clone https://github.com/opencoff/ovpn-tool
$ cd ovpn-tool
$ ./build -s

The build script puts the binary in a platform specific directory:

And so on. The build script can generate a fully standalone statically-linked binary on platforms that support it. To build statically linked binaries, use build -s.

You can also do cross-platform builds for any supported OS, Arch combination supported by the golang toolchain. e.g., on macOS, to build a statically linked binary for linux-amd64 architecture:

$ ./build -s --arch linux-amd64

Invoking ovpn-tool

The common pattern for invoking ovpn-tool is:

ovpn-tool DB CMD [options] [arguments]


The tool writes the certificates, keys into an encrypted boltdb instance.

The tool comes with builtin help:

$ ./bin/openbsd-amd64/ovpn-tool --help

Every subcommand comes with its own help; but, requires you to at least supply a database name as the first argument. e.g.,

$ ./bin/openbsd-amd64/ovpn-tool foo.db server --help

Common Workflows

In what follows, we will assume that you have built ovpn-tool and installed somewhere in your $PATH.

Initialize a new CA

Before any certificates are generated, one must first create a CA and initialize the certificate DB:

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db init my-CA

You can see the generated CA certificate via two ways:

  1. Using -v for the ovpn-tool's global options
  2. Using the list command with the --ca option.

In general, using the -v global option when generating the CA, server or client certificates will print the certificate to stdout at the end.

The CA can be initialized with additional data such as Organization Name, Organization Unit Name etc. See init --help for additional details.

The default lifetime of the CA is 5 years; you can change this via the -V (--validity) option to "init".

One can also use a user defined environment variable to provide the database master password:

$ abcdef=myDBPassword45879 ovpn-tool -v foo.db init -E abcdef my-CA

The example invocation above uses the DB password from the environment variable abcdef to find the passphrase myDBPassword45879.

Initialize a new CA by Importing from a JSON file

If you are using any version of ovpn-tool prior to v0.9.x, you must first export the DB into a JSON file using the v0.8.x version of the tool. Assuming the DB dump is in db.json, then you can initialize a new CA instance like so:

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db init --from-json db.json

You will be prompted for the DB passphrase; this passphrase is for the new database (and NOT the old database).

Creating an intermediate CA

Often, it's useful to have an intermediate CA for issuing server or client certificates. These intermediate CAs can be arbitrarily chained.

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db inter client-ca

Once created, this intermediate CA can be used to issue new leaf certificates:

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db user -s client-ca user@example.com

Create an OpenVPN server certificate & key pair

An OpenVPN server needs a few things:

Creating a new server certificate/key pair:

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db server -i IP.ADDR.ES server.domain.name

Of course, you should use the appropriate values for IP.ADDR.ES and server.domain.name for your setup.

The IP Address and Server FQDN show up in the certificate as Certificate.IPAddress and Certificate.Subject.CommonName. Additionally, the server FQDN also shows up in Certificate.DNSNames.

You can also set a custom OpenVPN port for this server via the -p flag. You can request the server certificate to have a different validity via the V (--validity) option; this option takes the value in units of years.

You can of course create as many server certificates as needed. But, when you export a client configuration, you must select the correct server name this client will connect to. See example below.

Create an OpenVPN client (user) certificate & key pair

An OpenVPN client certificate is quite simple - it just needs a common name. For convenience, you may use the email address as the common Name.

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db client user@domain.name

You can ask the client private key to be encrypted with a user supplied passphrase by using the -p or --password option to the client command. You can request the client certificate to have a different validity via the V (--validity) option; this option takes the value in units of years.

Delete an OpenVPN user from the Cert Database

Once in a while you will want to delete users and prevent them from connecting to the OpenVPN server. E.g.,

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db delete user@domain.name user2@domain

This only deletes the users from the certificate DB. You still need to generate a new CRL (Certificate Revocation List) and push it to your server. See the next workflow.

Generate a CRL from Revoked Certificates

Once a user is deleted from the system, you will need to generate a new CRL and push it to the server. The command to generate a new CRL:

$ ovpn-tool -v foo.db crl -o crl.pem

This write the PEM encoded CRL to crl.pem. You must copy this file to the OpenVPN server and reload (or restart) it.

You can also just view a full list of revoked users:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db crl --list

See list of certificates managed by this CA

To see a list of certificates in the database:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db list

Revoking CAs or Leaf Certificates

ovpn-tool enables you to revoke intermediate CAs or leaf certificates. To revoke a user/server cerfificate:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db del NAME

where NAME is the common-name of the certificate you want to revoke. Note you should generate a new CRL once you revoke any certificate:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db crl -v 7 -o crl.pem

This generates a CRL with a 7 day validity (you should regenerate the CRLs regularly).

Exporting a Server Configuration

While the tool manages certificates, what we are really after are OpenVPN server & client configurations for the server & client respectively. To export a server configuration:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db export server.domain.name

This prints the server configuration to stdout. To save this to a file:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db export server.domain.name -o server.conf

Note the configuration uses certain private IP address blocks and such. Please edit the configuration file to suit your environment.

At a minimum you have to edit the user/group information particular to your OS for dropping privilege of the OpenVPN daemon. e.g., on Alpine Linux, the preferred user and group for the daemon is "openvpn". On OpenBSD it is "_openvpn"; on macOS it is "nobody".

The server configuration uses a template baked into ovpn-tool. You have the option of providing your own template. The easiest way is to export the template and edit it. You can then feed the modified template back to the export command:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db export --print-server-template > s.template
$ vi s.template
$ ovpn-tool foo.db export -t s.template -o s.conf server.domain.name

Exporting a Client Configuration

Client configuration is typically associated with one OpenVPN server. However, this is optional and you can take an unassociated configuration and make manual changes as needed. A typical invocation is:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db export -s server.domain.name -o client.conf user@domain.name

You can export the default client configuration template like so:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db export --print-client-template > c.template

Replacing the user passphrase on a DB

If you desire to change the DB passphrase, you can do so with the passwd command:

$ ovpn-tool foo.db passwd

This merely changes the way the encrypted DB key is stored on disk.

This command also supports getting the old and new passphrases via user defined environment variables. e.g.,:

$ oldpw=myDBPassword45879 newpw=newDBPwd112233 ovpn-tool foo.db \
    passwd -E oldpw -N newpw

This mode of getting the password from the environment is highly discouraged - as it can leave traces in the user's shell history. Use with care!

Template variables available for customization

The following template parameters are available for use in your custom configuration templates:

Getting the DB Password from the Environment

All command support the option to get the password from the environment variable of user's choice. This capability is helpful to automate certain operations - but is NOT recommended from a good security practice perspective.

If you do choose to use this feature, please remember to turn-off shell history otherwise your history will hold a permanent record of your DB password.

Development Notes

If you wish to hack on this, notes here might be useful.

The code is organized as a library & command line frontend for that library.

Guide to Source Code