Awesome BEAM Monitoring
The curated list of tools for monitoring, instrumenting, and tracing applications that run on BEAM. Inspired by many of such lists over the GitHub.
Blog posts
- popular logging framework with broad features setlogger
- OTP 21+ built-in pluggable logger moduleLogger
- Elixir's built-in pluggable logger module that in recent Elixir versions also synchronises with Erlang'slogger
- Elixometer - thin Elixir wrapper over Exometer
- Exometer - Erlang instrumentation package
- Fluxter - InfluxDB writer for Elixir
- Folsom - expose Erlang events as metrics
- generic interface to to a different metrics systems in Erlang- Prometheus - Prometheus integration for Erlang
- Statix - fast and reliable Elixir client for StatsD-compatible servers with some DogStatsD extensions (namely tags)
- Telemetry.Poller - periodically gather measurements and publish them as Telemetry events
- Telemetry - dynamic dispatcher for Erlang metrics and instrumentations
- vmstats - tiny Erlang app to generate information on the Erlang VM
- AppSignal - AppSignal Elixir integration package for gathering metrics, errors, and traces
- New Relic - New Relic's Elixir agent supports metrics, errors and distributed tracing
- OpenCenus - implementation of Google's tracing and monitoring with broad range of integrations:
- Otter - OpenTracing integration library for Erlang
- Spandex - tracing library for Elixir which supports DataDog APM. Integrations:
- tracelog - logging handler that can transform structured logs into distributed tracing spans (for now supports only OpenCensus backend library)
Errors logging
- Aibrakex - Elixir client for Airbrake
- Bugsnag - Elixir interface to Bugsnag API
- Rollbar - exception tracking and logging from Elixir to Rollbar
- Sentry - official Elixir SDK for
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