

Beerfest Calendar

A collection of awesome beer events (oktoberfest, starkbierfest, etc ) from around the world

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Looking for awesome Austrian beer? See the Austrian Beer-a-Day Calendar.

Contributions welcome. Anything missing? Send in a pull request. Thanks.


Central Europe

Austria / Österreich (at)

Vienna / Wien
<!-- new list --> <!-- add @ Ottakringer Brewery --> <!-- new list --> <!-- 2016 is no 2 ?? or first one ?? --> <!-- various locations/venues -->
Upper Austria / Oberösterreich
<!-- organized by BierIG - http://www.bierig.org --> <!-- 2015 - no. 2 ?? next one in 2017 ?? -->
Styria / Steiermark

Germany / Deutschland (de)

Bavaria / Bayern
Upper Bavaria / Oberbayern
Upper Franconia / Oberfranken
<!-- new list --> <!-- new list -->

Western Europe

Belgium / België / Belgique / Belgien (be)

<!-- organized by Belgian Brewers -->




NOTE: A calendar page (CALENDAR.md) gets auto-generated from this page listing beer festivals sorted by date (that is, year and month) or better try the "live" version using the whatson command line tool. Type:

$ beerfest

resulting in:

Upcoming Beer Festivals:

  in 9d    Ottakringer Braukultur Wochen (9 Brauereien in 9 Wochen), Thu-Wed Jul/2-Sep/2 (63d) @ 16., Ottakring › Vienna / Wien › Austria / Österreich (at) › Central Europe › Europe
  in 31d   Annafest ("Auf den Kellern"), Fri-Mon Jul/24-Aug/3 (11d) @ Forchheim › Upper Franconia / Oberfranken › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe
  in 32d   Kulmbacher Bierwoche, Sat-Sun Jul/25-Aug/2 (9d) @ Kulmbach › Upper Franconia / Oberfranken › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe
  in 58d   Sandwerka (Sandkirchweih), Thu-Mon Aug/20-24 (5d) @ Bamberg › Upper Franconia / Oberfranken › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe
  in 88d   Oktoberfest ("Die Wiesn"), Sat-Sun Sep/19-Oct/4 (16d) @ Munich / München › Upper Bavaria / Oberbayern › Bavaria / Bayern › Germany / Deutschland (de) › Central Europe › Europe



The beerfest calendar is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the beerdb mailing list/forum. Thanks!