

Open Business Application Platform Web Components

IMPORTANT: The Open Business Application Platform Web Components are a work in progress and subject to major changes until the 1.0 release.

The Open Business Application Platform Web Components (OBAP Elements) are a collection of Web Components designed specifically for desktop browser line of business applications and implement a simplified and modified Material Design.



Install the components from NPM:

npm i @obap/obap-elements --save

Additional Resources

A good starting place is the LitElement documentation, and the Material Web Components have some useful information (since they're also based on LitElement).


This suite of web components is very ambitious (have a look at the list of elements that are proposed), so it's going to take a while. The intended release schedule is:

0.0.xLots of these, which will just be periodic commits as work progresses.In Progress
0.1.xElements are all implemented - this is the standardization and stabilization phase.Not Started
0.2.xAccessibility phase - ensure that everything is accessible, has keyboard support, etc.Not Started
0.3.xElement demo phase - complete and detailed demos will be created.Not Started
0.4.xElement documentation phase - complete and detailed documentation will be created.Not Started
0.5.xApplication demo phase - one or more complete application demos will be created.Not Started
0.6.xDeveloper guide phase - a complete and detailed developer guide will be created.Not Started
1.0.0First release.Not Started

The elements will only be usable from version 0.3.x, before that they'll be unstable and incomplete.


The idea for these components didn't just pop out of the blue. I've been developing components and application frameworks for multiple platforms for many years and have been frustrated with the underlying components used to build line of business applications. There's very little in the open source world that caters for business applications and commercial products are, well, commercial. They try to cater for the widest possible audience and continue adding features to justify paid upgrades, which results in bloat and a lot of unnecessary features for any given user. The Open Business Application Platform Web Components try a different approach and provide an opinionated solution that just gets the job done.

Obviously, none of this would be possible with shamelessly studying other excellent products and libraries to figure out how to do things. Special thanks go to: