

Status: Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected)

Status: All references to gs://lm-human-preferences/ were updated to https://openaipublic.blob.core.windows.net/lm-human-preferences, as we migrated from GCP to Azure. The code provided as is may no longer work. Pull requests welcome


This repository contains code for the paper Fine-Tuning Language Models from Human Preferences. See also our blog post.

We provide code for:

It does not contain code for generating labels. However, we have released human labels collected for our experiments, at gs://lm-human-preferences/labels. For those interested, the question and label schemas are simple and documented in label_types.py.

The code has only been tested using the smallest GPT-2 model (124M parameters).


This code has only been tested using Python 3.7.3. Training has been tested on GCE machines with 8 V100s, running Ubuntu 16.04, but development also works on Mac OS X.



The following examples assume we are aiming to train a model to continue text in a physically descriptive way. You can read launch.py to see how the descriptiveness experiments and others are defined.

Note that we provide pre-trained models, so you can skip directly to RL fine-tuning or even to sampling from a trained policy, if desired.

Training a reward model

To train a reward model, use a command such as

reward_experiment_name=testdesc-$(date +%y%m%d%H%M)
pipenv run ./launch.py train_reward $experiment $reward_experiment_name

This will save outputs (and tensorboard event files) to the directory /tmp/save/train_reward/$reward_experiment_name. The directory can be changed via the --save_dir flag.

Finetuning a language model

Once you have trained a reward model, you can finetune against it.

First, set


or if using our pretrained model,



policy_experiment_name=testdesc-$(date +%y%m%d%H%M)
pipenv run ./launch.py train_policy $experiment $policy_experiment_name --rewards.trained_model $trained_reward_model --rewards.train_new_model 'off'

This will save outputs (and tensorboard event files) to the directory /tmp/save/train_policy/$policy_experiment_name. The directory can be changed via the --save_dir flag.

Both steps at once

You can run a single command to train a reward model and then finetune against it

experiment_name=testdesc-$(date +%y%m%d%H%M)
pipenv run ./launch.py train_policy $experiment $experiment_name

In this case, outputs are in the directory /tmp/save/train_policy/$policy_experiment_name, and the reward model is saved to a subdirectory reward_model. The directory can be changed via the --save_dir flag.

Sampling from a trained policy

Specify the policy to load:


or if using our pretrained model,


Then run:

pipenv run ./sample.py sample --save_dir $save_dir --savescope policy

Note that this script can run on less than 8 GPUs. You can pass the flag --mpi 1, for exapmle, if you only have one GPU.




Please cite the paper with the following bibtex entry:

  title={Fine-Tuning Language Models from Human Preferences},
  author={Ziegler, Daniel M. and Stiennon, Nisan and Wu, Jeffrey and Brown, Tom B. and Radford, Alec and Amodei, Dario and Christiano, Paul and Irving, Geoffrey},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.08593},