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Slim - surprisingly space efficient data types in Golang

Travis test

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Slim is collection of surprisingly space efficient data types, with corresponding serialization APIs to persisting them on-disk or for transport.

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Why slim

As data on internet keeps increasing exponentially, the capacity gap between memory and disk becomes greater.

Most of the time, a data itself does not need to be loaded into expensive main memory. Only the much more important information, WHERE-A-DATA-IS, deserve a seat in main memory.

This is what slim does, keeps as little information as possible in main memory, as a minimized index of huge amount external data.

Performance and memory overhead

The data struct in this benchmark is a slice of key-value pairs with a SlimTrie serving as the index. The slim itself is built in the filter mode, to maximize memory reduction and performance. The whole struct slimKV is a fully functional kv-store, just like a static btree.

type slimKV struct {
    slim *trie.SlimTrie
    Elts []*KVElt
type KVElt struct {
    Key string
    Val int32

You can find the benchmark code in benchmark;

Read more about Performance


1. Index on-disk key-values

One of the typical usages of slim is to index serialized data on disk(e.g., key value records in a SSTable). By keeping a slim in memory, one can quickly find the on-disk offset of the record by a key.

<details> <summary>Show me the code ......</summary>
package index_test

import (


type Data string

func (d Data) Read(offset int64, key string) (string, bool) {
	kv := strings.Split(string(d)[offset:], ",")[0:2]
	if kv[0] == key {
		return kv[1], true
	return "", false

func Example() {

	// Accelerate external data accessing (in memory or on disk) by indexing
	// them with a SlimTrie:

	// `data` is a sample of some unindexed data. In our example it is a comma
	// separated key value series.
	// In order to let SlimTrie be able to read data, `data` should have
	// a `Read` method:
	//     Read(offset int64, key string) (string, bool)
	data := Data("Aaron,1,Agatha,1,Al,2,Albert,3,Alexander,5,Alison,8")

	// keyOffsets is a prebuilt index that stores key and its offset in data accordingly.
	keyOffsets := []index.OffsetIndexItem{
		{Key: "Aaron", Offset: 0},
		{Key: "Agatha", Offset: 8},
		{Key: "Al", Offset: 17},
		{Key: "Albert", Offset: 22},
		{Key: "Alexander", Offset: 31},
		{Key: "Alison", Offset: 43},

	// `SlimIndex` is simply a container of SlimTrie and its data.
	st, err := index.NewSlimIndex(keyOffsets, data)
	if err != nil {

	// Lookup
	v, found := st.Get("Alison")
	fmt.Printf("key: %q\n  found: %t\n  value: %q\n", "Alison", found, v)

	v, found = st.Get("foo")
	fmt.Printf("key: %q\n  found: %t\n  value: %q\n", "foo", found, v)

	// Output:
	// key: "Alison"
	//   found: true
	//   value: "8"
	// key: "foo"
	//   found: false
	//   value: ""

2. Sparse index

Create an index item for every 4(or more as you wish) keys.

Let several adjacent keys share one index item reduces a lot memory cost if there are huge amount keys in external data. Such as to index billions of 4KB objects on a 4TB disk(because one disk IO costs 20ms for either reading 4KB or reading 1MB).

<details> <summary>Show me the code ......</summary>
package index_test

import (


type RangeData string

func (d RangeData) Read(offset int64, key string) (string, bool) {
	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
		if int(offset) >= len(d) {

		kv := strings.Split(string(d)[offset:], ",")[0:2]
		if kv[0] == key {
			return kv[1], true
		offset += int64(len(kv[0]) + len(kv[1]) + 2)

	return "", false

func Example_indexRanges() {

	// Index ranges instead of keys:
	// In this example at most 4 keys shares one index item.

	data := RangeData("Aaron,1,Agatha,1,Al,2,Albert,3,Alexander,5,Alison,8")

	// keyOffsets is a prebuilt index that stores range start, range end and its offset.
	keyOffsets := []index.OffsetIndexItem{
		// Aaron  +--> 0
		// Agatha |
		// Al     |
		// Albert |

		// Alexander +--> 31
		// Alison    |

		{Key: "Aaron", Offset: 0},
		{Key: "Agatha", Offset: 0},
		{Key: "Al", Offset: 0},
		{Key: "Albert", Offset: 0},

		{Key: "Alexander", Offset: 31},
		{Key: "Alison", Offset: 31},

	st, err := index.NewSlimIndex(keyOffsets, data)
	if err != nil {

	v, found := st.RangeGet("Aaron")
	fmt.Printf("key: %q\n  found: %t\n  value: %q\n", "Aaron", found, v)

	v, found = st.RangeGet("Al")
	fmt.Printf("key: %q\n  found: %t\n  value: %q\n", "Al", found, v)

	v, found = st.RangeGet("foo")
	fmt.Printf("key: %q\n  found: %t\n  value: %q\n", "foo", found, v)

	// Output:
	// key: "Aaron"
	//   found: true
	//   value: "1"
	// key: "Al"
	//   found: true
	//   value: "2"
	// key: "foo"
	//   found: false
	//   value: ""

3. Range scan

Slim can also be used as a traditional in-memory kv-store: Building a slim with Opt{ Complete: Bool(true) }, it won't strip out any information(e.g., it won't eliminate single-branch labels) and it will functions the same as a btree. This snippet shows how to iterate key values.

<details> <summary>Show me the code ......</summary>
package trie

import (


func ExampleSlimTrie_ScanFrom() {
	var keys = []string{
	values := makeI32s(len(keys))

	codec := encode.I32{}
	st, _ := NewSlimTrie(codec, keys, values, Opt{
		Complete: Bool(true),

	// untilD stops when encountering "d".
	untilD := func(k, v []byte) bool {
		if string(k) == "d" {
			return false

		_, i32 := codec.Decode(v)
		fmt.Println(string(k), i32)
		return true

	fmt.Println("scan (ab, +∞):")
	st.ScanFrom("ab", false, true, untilD)

	fmt.Println("scan [be, +∞):")
	st.ScanFrom("be", true, true, untilD)

	fmt.Println("scan (ab, be):")
		"ab", false,
		"be", false,
		true, untilD)

	// Output:
	// scan (ab, +∞):
	// abc 4
	// abca 5
	// abcd 6
	// abcd1 7
	// abce 8
	// be 9
	// c 10
	// cde0 11
	// scan [be, +∞):
	// be 9
	// c 10
	// cde0 11
	// scan (ab, be):
	// abc 4
	// abca 5
	// abcd 6
	// abcd1 7
	// abce 8

Filter mode and KV mode.

Slim can be built into either a filter(like bloom filter but with key order preserved.) or a real kv-store(like btree) There is an option in NewSlimTrie(..., option) to control the building behavior. Ref: Opt

The memory consumption in filter mode and kv mode differs significantly. The following chart shows memory consumption by 1 million var-length string, 10 to 20 byte in different mode:

sample data size15.0M14.0M
all false1.3M0.8M
<!-- ## FAQ -->

Try it


go get github.com/openacid/slim/trie

Change-log: Change-log


A newer version y being compatible with an older version x means y can load data serialized by x. But x should never try to load data serialized by a newer version y.

<!-- TODO add FAQ --> <!-- TODO add serialization explanation, on-disk data structure etc. -->

Who are using slim

<span> <span> </span> <span> baishancloud </span> </span>

<!-- ## Slim internal --> <!-- ### Built With --> <!-- - [protobuf][] - Define on-disk data-structure and serialization engine. --> <!-- - [dep][] - Dependency Management. --> <!-- - [semver][] - For versioning data-structure. --> <!-- ### Directory Layout --> <!-- We follow the: [golang-standards-project-layout][]. --> <!-- [> TODO read the doc and add more standards <] --> <!-- - `vendor/`: dependency packages. --> <!-- - `prototype/`: on-disk data-structure. --> <!-- - `docs/`: documents about design, trade-off, etc --> <!-- - `tools/`: documents about design, trade-off, etc --> <!-- - `expamples/`: documents about design, trade-off, etc --> <!-- Other directories are sub-package. --> <!-- ### Versioning --> <!-- We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. --> <!-- For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](https://github.com/your/project/tags). --> <!-- ### Data structure explained --> <!-- [> TODO <] --> <!-- ## Limitation --> <!-- [> TODO <] --> <!-- - [ ] bitrie: 1 byte-per-key implementation. --> <!-- - [ ] balanced bitrie: which gives better worst-case performance. --> <!-- - [ ] generalised API as a drop-in replacement for map etc. -->

Feedback and contributions

Feedback and Contributions are greatly appreciated.

At this stage, the maintainers are most interested in feedback centered on:

Let us know by filing an issue, describing what you did or wanted to do, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened:

Or other type of issue.

<!-- ## Contributing --> <!-- The maintainers actively manage the issues list, and try to highlight issues --> <!-- suitable for newcomers. --> <!-- [> TODO dep CONTRIBUTING <] --> <!-- The project follows the typical GitHub pull request model. See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details. --> <!-- Before starting any work, please either comment on an existing issue, --> <!-- or file a new one. --> <!-- [> TODO <] --> <!-- Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md][] --> <!-- for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. --> <!-- https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/b24679402957c63ec426 --> <!-- ### Code style --> <!-- ### Tool chain --> <!-- ### Customized install --> <!-- Alternatively, if you have a customized go develop environment, you could also --> <!-- clone it: --> <!-- ```sh --> <!-- git clone git@github.com:openacid/slim.git --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- As a final step you'd like have a test to see if everything goes well: --> <!-- ```sh --> <!-- cd path/to/slim/build/pseudo-gopath --> <!-- export GOPATH=$(pwd) --> <!-- go test github.com/openacid/slim/array --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- Another reason to have a `pseudo-gopath` in it is that some tool have their --> <!-- own way conducting source code tree. --> <!-- E.g. [git-worktree](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree) --> <!-- checkouts source code into another dir other than the GOPATH work space. --> <!-- ## Update dependency --> <!-- Dependencies are tracked by [dep](https://github.com/golang/dep). --> <!-- All dependencies are kept in `vendor/` dir thus you do not need to do anything --> <!-- to run it. --> <!-- You need to update dependency only when you bring in new feature with other dependency. --> <!-- - Install `dep` --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- - Download dependency --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- dep ensure --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- > dep uses Gopkg.toml Gopkg.lock to track dependency info. --> <!-- > --> <!-- > Gopkg.toml Gopkg.lock is created with `dep init`. --> <!-- > --> <!-- > dep creates a `vendor` dir to have all dependency package there. --> <!-- See more: [dep-install][] -->


<!-- ordered by unicode of author's name --> <!-- leave 3 to 5 major jobs you have done in this project -->

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

<!-- ## Acknowledgments --> <!-- [> TODO <] --> <!-- - Hat tip to anyone whose code was used --> <!-- - Inspiration --> <!-- patricial tree --> <!-- fusion tree --> <!-- critic trie --> <!-- - etc --> <!-- links --> <!-- Bio --> <!-- avatar --> <!-- issue links --> <!-- benchmark --> <!-- links to other resource --> <!-- reference -->