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Please note: <br>

Sars-Cov-2 vaccination campaign data reported by the Canton of Zurich


This repository contains official open government data resources of the Sars-Cov-2 vaccination campaign in the Canton of Zurich conducted by the Department of Health of the Canton of Zurich.

The data resources in this repository are a supplement to the official Sars-Cov-2 Vaccination Campaign indicators and data, which Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein are providing via the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH): <br>

Please note: <br>


Data resources in this repository by the Division for Data Analysis of the Office of Health Care of the Canton of Zurich are paused (since 2022-10-12). Useful, updated data is available from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) as referenced in the section 'Scope' above.


If you have questions or want to report something regarding this repository, please contact the Specialist Unit for Open Government Data of the Canton of Zurich by: <br>

Many thanks for your feedback!


1. Cumulative number of vaccinations of persons residing in the canton of Zurich by 1-year age groups for the most recent calendar week/ Kumulierte Anzahl Impfungen im Kanton Zürich wohnhafter Personen nach 1-Jahres-Altersklassen für die aktuellste Kalenderwoche

Data <br>

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openZH/covid_19_vaccination_campaign_ZH/master/COVID19_Impfungen_pro_Woche_Alter_in_KTZH_wohnhaft.csv <br> Description: cumulative numbers (1st vaccination, 2nd vaccination) up to and including the reporting date, age group <br> Update frequency: weekly <br> Spatial unit: Canton of Zurich <br> Format: csv <br>


Fieldname / SpaltennameDescription (EN)Beschreibung (DE)Format
week_fromStart date of weekErster Tag der WocheYYYY-MM-DD
week_untilEnd date of weekLetzter Tag der WocheYYYY-MM-DD
calendar_weekCalendar weekKalenderwocheNumber
age1-year age classes ('0', '1', '2', .., '100+')1-Jahres-Altersklassen ('0', '1', '2', .., '100+')Number
ncumul_firstvaccNumber of persons who received the first vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die erste Impfung erhalten habenNumber
ncumul_secondvaccNumber of persons who received the second vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die zweite Impfung erhalten habenNumber

2. Cumulative number of vaccinations by residence per calendar week from 2021-01-18 / Kumulierte Anzahl Impfungen nach Wohnsitz pro Kalenderwoche ab 2021-01-18

Data <br>

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openZH/covid_19_vaccination_campaign_ZH/master/COVID19_Impfungen_pro_Woche_Wohnsitz.csv <br> Description: detailed numbers (1st vaccination, 2nd vaccination) per calendar week, residence <br> Update frequency: weekly <br> Spatial unit: Canton of Zurich <br> Format: csv <br>


Fieldname / SpaltennameDescription (EN)Beschreibung (DE)Format
week_fromStart date of weekErster Tag der WocheYYYY-MM-DD
week_untilEnd date of weekLetzter Tag der WocheYYYY-MM-DD
calendar_weekCalendar weekKalenderwocheNumber
bfsNumberFSO Number, if residence is a district of Canton ZHBFS-Nummer, wenn Wohnort ein Bezirk des Kantons ZH istNumber
residenceResidence (districts of Canton of Zurich, 'ZH aber ausserkantonal geimpft' (no residence information by district is available for Canton ZH residents vaccinated outside the canton), 'Nachbarkantone'=neighbouring cantons, 'andere Kantone'=other cantons, 'unbekannt'=unknown)Wohnsitz (Bezirke des Kantons Zürich, 'ZH aber ausserkantonal geimpft' (von Menschen mit Wohnsitz im Kanton ZH, die ausserkantonal geimpft wurden, sind keine Wohnsitzinformationen nach Bezirken vorhanden), 'Nachbarkantone', 'andere Kantone', 'unbekannt')Text
ncumul_firstvaccNumber of persons who received the first vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die erste Impfung erhalten habenNumber
ncumul_secondvaccNumber of persons who received the second vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die zweite Impfung erhalten habenNumber

3. Cumulative number of vaccinations by postal code per calendar week from 2021-01-18 / Kumulierte Anzahl Impfungen nach Postleitzahl pro Kalenderwoche ab 2021-01-18

Data <br>

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openZH/covid_19_vaccination_campaign_ZH/master/COVID19_Impfungen_pro_Woche_PLZ.csv <br> Description: detailed numbers (1st vaccination, 2nd vaccination) per calendar week, postal code <br> Update frequency: weekly <br> Spatial unit: Canton of Zurich <br> Format: csv <br>


Fieldname / SpaltennameDescription (EN)Beschreibung (DE)Format
calendar_weekCalendar weekKalenderwocheNumber
week_fromStart date of weekErster Tag der WocheYYYY-MM-DD
week_untilEnd date of weekLetzter Tag der WocheYYYY-MM-DD
plzPostal codePostleitzahlNumber
populationTotal number of residents in the canton of Zurich in the corresponding postal codeGesamtanzahl im Kanton Zürich wohnhafter Menschen in der entsprechenden PostleitzahlNumber
ncumul_firstvaccNumber of persons who received the first vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die erste Impfung erhalten habenNumber
ncumul_secondvaccNumber of persons who received the second vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die zweite Impfung erhalten habenNumber

4. Cumulative number of vaccinations by 10-year age groups, gender per day from 2021-01-18 / Kumulierte Anzahl Impfungen nach 10-Jahres-Altersklassen, Geschlecht pro Tag ab 2021-01-18

Data <br>

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openZH/covid_19_vaccination_campaign_ZH/master/COVID19_Impfungen_pro_Datum_Altersklasse_Geschlecht.csv <br> Description: detailed numbers (1st vaccination, 2nd vaccination) per day, 10-year age groups, gender <br> Update frequency: weekly <br> Spatial unit: Canton of Zurich <br> Format: csv <br>


Fieldname / SpaltennameDescription (EN)Beschreibung (DE)Format
ageclass10-year age classes ('0-9', '10-19', '20-29', .., '80+')10-Jahres-Altersklassen ('0-9', '10-19', '20-29', .., '80+')Number (range)
genderGender ('d'=diverse, 'f'=female, 'm'=male, 'NA'=unknown)Gender ('d'=divers, 'f'=weiblich, 'm'=männlich, 'NA'=unbekannt)Text
ncumul_firstvaccNumber of persons who received the first vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die erste Impfung erhalten habenNumber
ncumul_secondvaccNumber of persons who received the second vaccination up to and including the reporting dateAnzahl Personen, die bis und mit Stichtag die zweite Impfung erhalten habenNumber