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✨ A modern spaced-repetition scheduler for Anki based on the Free Spaced Repetition Scheduler algorithm

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Table of contents


FSRS4Anki consists of two main parts: the scheduler and the optimizer.

For details about the FSRS algorithm, please read the algorithm. If you are interested, you can also read my papers:

FSRS4Anki Helper is an Anki add-on that complements the FSRS4Anki Scheduler. You can read about it here: https://github.com/open-spaced-repetition/fsrs4anki-helper

How to Get Started?

If you are using Anki v23.10 or newer, refer to this tutorial.

If you are using an older version of Anki, refer to this tutorial.

Note that setting up FSRS is much easier in Anki v23.10 or newer.

Add-on Compatibility

Some add-ons can cause conflicts with FSRS. As a general rule of thumb, if an add-on affects a card's intervals, it shouldn't be used with FSRS.

Review HeatmapYes :white_check_mark:Doesn't affect anything FSRS-related.
Advanced BrowserYes :white_check_mark:Please use the latest version.
Advanced Review Bottom BarYes :white_check_mark:Please use the latest version.
The KING of Button Add-onsYes :white_check_mark:Please use the latest version.
Pass/FailYes :white_check_mark:Pass is the equivalent of Good, Fail is the equivalent of Again.
AJT Card ManagementYes :white_check_mark:Compatible with Anki 23.12 and newer.
Incremental Reading v4.11.3 (unofficial clone)Unsure :question:If you are using the standalone version of FSRS, it shows the interval given by Anki's built-in scheduler, not the custom scheduler. This add-on is technically compatible with built-in FSRS, but FSRS was not designed for incremental reading, and FSRS settings do not apply to IR cards because they work in a different way compared to other card types.
Delay siblingsNo :x:Delay siblings will modify the intervals given by FSRS. However, the FSRS4Anki Helper add-on has a similar feature that works better with FSRS. Please use the FSRS4Anki Helper add-on instead.
Auto Ease FactorNo :x:The Ease Factor is no longer relevant when FSRS is enabled, therefore you won't benefit from using this add-on.
autoLapseNewIntervalNo :x:The New Interval setting is no longer relevant when FSRS is enabled, therefore you won't benefit from using this add-on.
Straight RewardNo :x:The Ease Factor is no longer relevant when FSRS is enabled, therefore you won't benefit from using this add-on.

Let me know via issues if you want me to check compatibility between FSRS and some add-on.


You can contribute to FSRS4Anki by beta testing, submitting code, or sharing your data. If you want to share your data with me, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/KaojsBbhMCytaA7h8


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Star History Chart