


This project is used to show how OPA can help policy-enable an existing service.

In this example, we policy-enable the authorization functionality available in the Docker Engine, which is implemented using a plugin architecture. Plugins were introduced in the Docker Engine in 1.10, as a v1 implementation, and further extended in 1.13, as a v2 implementation. Plugins that adhere to the former are often termed legacy plugins, whilst the latter are termed managed plugins.

opa-docker-authz is an authorization plugin for the Docker Engine, and can be run as a legacy plugin, or as a managed plugin. The managed plugin is the recommended configuration.


See the detailed example to setup a running example of this plugin.


A makefile is provided for creating different artifacts, each of which requires Docker:


To make use of the opa-docker-authz plugin, TLS must be enabled, in order for the Docker daemon to authenticate the client user. The client's X.509 certificate subject common name, should be configured with the user who is the subject of the authorization request.

Managed Plugin

The managed plugin is a special pre-built Docker image, and as such, has no prior knowledge of the user's intended policy. OPA policy is defined using the Rego language, which for the purposes of the opa-docker-authz plugin, is either contained within a file (using the -policy-file argument) or fetched from bundles through an OPA configuration file (using the -config-file argument). Since the latter option allows not just remote bundles, but any of the OPA management features such as decision logging, it is the recommended choice. The plugin needs to be made aware of either the location of the policy file, or the config file, during its installation.

In order to provide user-defined OPA policy or config, the plugin is configured with a bind mount; /etc/docker is mounted at /opa inside the plugin's container, which is its working directory. If you define your config in a file located at the path /etc/docker/config/opa-conf.yaml, for example, it will be available to the plugin at /opa/config/opa-conf.yaml.

If the plugin is installed without a reference to a Rego policy file, or a config file, all authorization requests sent to the plugin by the Docker daemon, fail open, and are authorized by the plugin.

The following steps detail how to install the managed plugin.

Download the opa-docker-authz plugin from the Docker Hub (depending on how your Docker environment is configured, you may need to execute the following commands using the sudo utility), and specify the location of the policy file, or config file, using the opa-args key, and an appropriate value:

$ docker plugin install --alias opa-docker-authz openpolicyagent/opa-docker-authz-v2:0.8 opa-args="-config-file /opa/config/opa-conf.yaml"
Plugin "openpolicyagent/opa-docker-authz-v2:<VERSION>" is requesting the following privileges:
 - mount: [/etc/docker]
Do you grant the above permissions? [y/N] y
Installed plugin openpolicyagent/opa-docker-authz-v2:<VERSION>

Check the plugin is installed and enabled:

$ docker plugin ls
ID                  NAME                      ENABLED
cab1329e2a5a        opa-docker-authz:latest   true

With the plugin installed and enabled, the Docker daemon needs to be configured to make use of the plugin. There are a couple of ways of doing this, but perhaps the easiest is to add a configuration option to the daemon's configuration file (usually /etc/docker/daemon.json):

    "authorization-plugins": ["openpolicyagent/opa-docker-authz-v2:0.8"]

To update the Docker daemon's configuration, send a HUP signal to its process:

$ sudo kill -HUP $(pidof dockerd)

The Docker daemon will now send authorization requests for all Docker client API calls, to the opa-docker-authz plugin, for evaluation.

Legacy Plugin

If you prefer to use the legacy plugin, it needs to be started as a container, before applying the same configuration to the Docker daemon, as detailed above:

$ docker container run -d --restart=always --name opa-docker-authz \
    -v /run/docker/plugins:/run/docker/plugins \
    -v $HOME/opa/policies:/opa \
    openpolicyagent/opa-docker-authz:0.6 -policy-file /opa/authz.rego


If using the plugin with the -config-file option, full decision logging capabilities - including configuring remote endpoints - is at your disposal.

If using a policy file, the activity describing the interaction between the Docker daemon and the authorization plugin, and the authorization decisions made by OPA, can be found in the daemon's logs. Their location is dependent on the host operating system configuration.

Logs are generated in a json format similar to decision logs:

  "config_hash": "a2e84e38eafd14a816194357860b253becbc739e601cf4307078413a0a578a89",
  "decision_id": "8d4c6d08-b56e-4625-b66c-3e6c00d7a6e7",
  "input": {
    "AuthMethod": "",
    "BindMounts": [],
    "Body": null,
    "Headers": {
      "Content-Length": "0",
      "Content-Type": "text/plain",
      "User-Agent": "Docker-Client/19.03.11 (linux)"
    "Method": "POST",
    "Path": "/v1.40/images/create?fromImage=registry.company.com%3A8885%2Fbash\\u0026tag=latest",
    "PathArr": [
    "PathPlain": "/v1.40/images/create",
    "Query": {
      "fromImage": [
      "tag": [
    "User": ""
  "labels": {
    "app": "opa-docker-authz",
    "id": "396f1138-ea63-4be0-9ce0-3184cb20b1dd",
    "opa_version": "v0.18.0",
    "plugin_version": "0.8"
  "result": true,
  "timestamp": "2020-06-16T16:44:54.328705305Z"

Input Processing

The Rego input document is largely identical to the JSON data structure given to opa-docker-authz by Docker, with the following additions to enrich the document with additional information and assist policy authoring:


The BindMounts array is populated with information about the source, readonly status and resolved symlink path of each bind. The each object in the array has the schema

  "Source": "<source path>",
  "ReadOnly": true|false,
  "Resolved": "<resolved source path>"

where 'Resolved' is either the empty string ("") or the full host path that corresponds to Source after resolving any symbolic links. This allows for effective policy checking of bind mount sources, including where the true source path is obfuscated with symlinks. This mitigates against a known trivial bypass of policy that check for binds, for example

cd /home/user
ln -sf / root
docker run --rm -it -v/home/user/root:/mnt image
# /mnt is now / in the hostfs
docker run --rm -it -v/home/user/root/var:/mnt image
# /mnt is now /var on the host

In each of the above examples, the 'Resolved' path allows for the situation to be detected by policy (it will resolve to "/" and "/var", respectively).

Note: in order for the bind mount resolution to work, the opa-docker-authz plugin must have read access to all parts of the filesystem for which these checks are required by the policy. The easiest way to achieve this is to run the plugin as a legacy plugin as root. If using a managed plugin, the config.json would need to rebuilt with a custom bind configuration that exposes the relevant parts of the hostfs to the plugin as read only binds.


Uninstalling the opa-docker-authz plugin is the reverse of installing. First, remove the configuration applied to the Docker daemon, not forgetting to send a HUP signal to the daemon's process.

If you're using the legacy plugin, use the docker container rm -f opa-docker-authz command to remove the plugin. Otherwise, use the docker plugin rm -f opa-docker-authz command to remove the managed plugin.