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1. OpenAI API Key
If you don't already have an OpenAI API key, get one here.
2. Mindware API Key
Sign up to Mindware and copy your free API key from the account page:
<img width="945" alt="Screenshot 2023-10-16 145320" src="">3. Docker Desktop
If you don't already have Docker inatalled, download the latest version here.
🔧 Setup
1. Install AutoGPT & Mindware
To install AutoGPT and Mindware, make sure Docker is running and then run the following command in a directory of your choosing:
For Mac, Linux, or WSL:
git clone && cd ./AutoGPT-Mindware-Installer && ./
For Windows (Powershell):
git clone; .\AutoGPT-Mindware-Installer\installer.bat
2. Start AutoGPT
The last command will automatically start AutoGPT after the installation process. Going forward, whenever you want to start AutoGPT, run the following command from the root directory:
docker compose run --rm auto-gpt --install-plugin-deps
🧠 How to Use
After completing these installation steps, you can enable/disable plugins for AutoGPT via the Mindware plugins page. For instance, if you want AutoGPT to find YouTube videos, enable the YouTube plugin:
<img width="945" alt="Screenshot 2023-10-24 122112" src="">Example:
1. Configure AutoGPT
Set up the ai_settings.yaml
file with the following parameters:
- Find YouTube videos on how to make Otoro nigiri.
ai_name: FoodTubeGPT
An AI-powered virtual assistant that specializes in helping users find and
obtain specific cooking videos on YouTube.
api_budget: 0.05
2. Start AutoGPT
Launch AutoGPT. It should utilize the YouTube plugin to find sushi videos 🍣