An Ada 2012 library for parsing JSON (RFC 7159). It supports Ada 2012's iterator and indexing syntax. The RFC does not support comments, thus this library does not support it either. If your JSON data contains comments, you should minify the data so that comments are removed.
Escaped Unicode (\u
) in strings is not supported yet.
with Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with JSON.Parsers;
with JSON.Types;
procedure Example is
package Types is new JSON.Types (Long_Integer, Long_Float);
package Parsers is new JSON.Parsers (Types);
Parser : Parsers.Parser := Parsers.Create_From_File (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
Value : constant Types.JSON_Value := Parser.Parse;
use Types;
-- The data type of a Value can be retrieved with `Value.Kind`. The value
-- can be one of:
-- Null_Kind, Boolean_Kind, Integer_Kind, Float_Kind, String_Kind,
-- Array_Kind, or Object_Kind.
case Value.Kind is
when Array_Kind | Object_Kind =>
-- Query the length of a JSON array or object with the function `Length`
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Value.Length'Image);
-- A JSON object provides the function `Contains`
if Value.Kind = Object_Kind and then Value.Contains ("foo") then
-- To get an element of a JSON array or object write `Value.Get (Index_Or_Key)`
-- or use Ada 2012's indexing syntax `Value (Index_Or_Key)`.
-- If Value is a JSON object, you can call `Get_Array_Or_Empty`,
-- `Get_Object_Or_Empty`, or `Get` (with an additional parameter containing
-- the default value).
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Value ("foo").Kind'Image);
end if;
-- Iterate over a JSON array or object by using the
-- Ada 2012 iterator syntax `for Element_Or_Key of Value`. The type is a
-- JSON_Value and represents an element of the array or the key of an object.
for Element of Value loop
-- To get the image of JSON_Value (to serialize it), use function `Image`:
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Element.Image);
end loop;
when Float_Kind =>
-- Get the value (String, generic Integer_Type or Float_Type, or Boolean)
-- of a Value by calling `Value.Value`. An Invalid_Type_Error
-- exception will be raised if Value has a different type than the type
-- of the variable in which you try to store the result.
Data : constant Long_Float := Value.Value;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Data'Image);
when others =>
end case;
end Example;
Optional generic parameters of JSON.Types
(default is 30): Maximum length in characters of numbers
Optional generic parameters of JSON.Parsers
(default is 10) -
(default is False): Check for duplicate keys when parsing. Parsing large JSON texts will be slower if enabled. If disabled then theGet
operation will return the value of the first key that matches.
A parser can be created by calling Create_From_File
or Create
The actual parameter of Create
can be some text as a String
or an access to a Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array
containing the text.
In case an access to a Stream_Element_Array
is given, then the Parser
takes no ownership of the pointer and you must deallocate the array yourself.
The default maximum nesting depth can be overriden with
the optional second parameter Maximum_Depth
of function Create
After parsing, elements of arrays and objects are stored in the Parser
object, while strings remain stored in the String
or Stream_Element_Array
Therefore, the Parser
object must not go out of scope before any JSON_Value
goes out of scope.
In order to build the library, you need to have:
An Ada 2012 compiler
Optional dependencies:
to generate a coverage report for unit tests -
Using the library
Use the library in your crates as follows:
$ alr with json
The JSON pretty printer can be run as follows:
$ alr run -q --args=path/to/file.json
The project contains a set of unit tests. Use make tests
to build and
run the unit tests. A coverage report can be generated with make coverage
$ make tests
$ make coverage
Read the contributing guidelines if you want to add a bugfix or an improvement.
The Ada code and unit tests are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The first line of each Ada file should contain an SPDX license identifier tag that refers to this license:
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0