

You (Might) Don't Need jQuery

Frontend environments evolve rapidly nowadays and modern browsers have already implemented a great deal of DOM/BOM APIs which are good enough for production use. We don't have to learn jQuery from scratch for DOM manipulation or event handling. In the meantime, thanks to the spread of frontend libraries such as React, Angular and Vue, manipulating the DOM directly becomes anti-pattern, so that jQuery usage has never been less important. This project summarizes most of the alternatives in native Javascript implementation to jQuery methods, with IE 10+ support.

ℹ️ Notice:

  1. jQuery is still a great library and has many valid use cases. Don’t migrate away if you don’t want to!
  2. The alternatives are not completely equivalent in all scenarios, and it is recommended that you test it before using it.

Table of Contents

  1. Translations
  2. Query Selector
  3. CSS & Style
  4. DOM Manipulation
  5. Ajax
  6. Events
  7. Utilities
  8. Promises
  9. Animation
  10. Alternatives
  11. Browser Support


Query Selector

In place of common selectors like class, id or attribute we can use document.querySelector or document.querySelectorAll for substitution. The differences lie in:

Notice: document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll are quite SLOW, thus try to use document.getElementById, document.getElementsByClassName or document.getElementsByTagName if you want to get a performance bonus.

An example of filter function:

function exampleFilter(elem) {
  switch (elem.nodeName.toUpperCase()) {
    case 'DIV':
      return true;
    case 'SPAN':
      return true;
      return false;

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CSS & Style

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DOM Manipulation

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Fetch API is the new standard to replace XMLHttpRequest to do ajax. It works on Chrome and Firefox, you can use polyfills to make it work on legacy browsers.

Try github/fetch on IE9+ or fetch-ie8 on IE8+, fetch-jsonp to make JSONP requests.

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For a complete replacement with namespace and delegation, refer to https://github.com/oneuijs/oui-dom-events

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Most of jQuery utilities are also found in the native API. Other advanced functions could be chosen from better utilities libraries, focusing on consistency and performance. Lodash is a recommended replacement.

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A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. jQuery has its own way to handle promises. Native JavaScript implements a thin and minimal API to handle promises according to the Promises/A+ specification.

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Browser Support

Latest ✔Latest ✔10+ ✔Latest ✔6.1+ ✔
