pack of derby components for quickly creation material design sites
watch for changes! I'm working on documentation and bug fixes, which are still very much. so please be patient
at the moment we have the following components:
- layouts with pack of styles
- color themes
- ripple effect
- shadow effect
- collapse effect
- transitions
- animations
- icons
- button(flat/raised/floating)
- checkbox
- dialog
- input
- menu
- dropdown
- menu button
- progress bar
- radio button
- slider
- tab control
- tiles
- cards
- grid
- notify
- toast
- toggle button
- multiselect
*charts component
- crossfilterjs
- distinct types of graphs
- Interactive
- data real time
- svg/canvas rendering modes
- integration with leafletjs
- mobile(touch) support
*chart types
- Area Charts
- Bar Charts
- Box Plot Charts
- Bubble Charts
- Bullet Charts
- Donut Charts
- Funnel Charts
- Line Charts
- Pie Charts
- Polar Charts
- Radar Charts
- Range Bar Charts
- Waterfall Charts
- Scatter Charts
- Sparklines
- Linear Gauge
- Radial Gauge
- Barcode
- QR code
- Stock Chart
- TreeMap