

A bash script utility that resigns the Android Package (APK) files (Android applications) with different certificates.

#Sample Usage

Download the signapk.sh file

Parameters of the signapk.sh

Signs the APK with the given new key

Tutorial 1: Signing a stock application with your own android debug key

Android Calculator Application, "com.android.calculator2" calculator.apk

./signapk.sh calculator.apk ~/.android/debug.keystore android androiddebugkey

It creates signed_calculator.apk at the same path

Tutorial 2: Default is your own debug key If you do not provide any key-related parameters (param2,param3 and param4), it uses your own android debug key as a default option.

./signapk.sh calculator.apk 

is same as above usage

For more information about signing your application; http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html#debugmode