


parsing and modifying LaTeX documents with python

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First of all, you need python 2.7 or higher installed.

To install python-latex, simply run (as root): python setup.py install

On Debian you would run this as root by running: su -c "python setup.py install"

And on Ubuntu: sudo python setup.py install


To use my scripts built with python-latex, you can (after installing python-latex) run any python script in the scripts/ directory.

To run LatexBeautifier: python scripts/LatexBeautifier.py scripts/example.tex scripts/output.tex

To run LatexRefactor: python scripts/LatexRefactor.py scripts/example.tex scripts/output.tex


In your python script, you can now import objects from latex: from latex import LatexParser

Most functions are documented using python docstrings. Look at my python-latex scripts to see an example of using of the library.