

<br> <p align="center"> <img width="120px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omidnikrah/github-readme-stackoverflow/master/stackoverflow.svg" /> <h2 align="center">GitHub Readme StackOverflow</h2> <p align="center">Show your StackOverflow profile status on your READMEs!</p> </p> <br>


Copy paste following markdown into your markdown content, and that's it. Easy Easy Tammam Tammam!

Change the ?userID= value to your StackOverflow's userID.

[![Omid Nikrah StackOverflow](https://github-readme-stackoverflow.vercel.app/?userID=6558042)](https://stackoverflow.com/users/6558042/omid-nikrah)

Omid Nikrah StackOverflow Omid Nikrah StackOverflow

Compact Layout

If you want to have a compact layout, just you need to add layout=compact as a parameter. Check out the options.

Omid Nikrah StackOverflow Omid Nikrah StackOverflow



NameDescriptionDefault value
userIDYour StackOverflow userIDREQUIRED
themeTheme of the StackOverflow card (light or dark)light
layoutLayout of the StackOverflow card (compact or default)default



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