


Phos (short for phosphophyllite) is both a Gemini client library for Common Lisp and an experiment at making a GUI in lisp.

Phos provides three packages:


All the lines types are instance of the element base class. The parse routine is the main function, it takes a stream and produces a list of lines. parse-string is an helper which parses a string.

The generic function unparse turns an element, or a list of elements, into a text representation that is written in the given stream.

There are also various helpers, like title-p, link-p, line-eq, etc...


The main function is with-gemini-request which exposes a stream with the gemini content and can be used to handle replies by streaming. The helper request instead loads all the reply in memory and returns it as a string if it was of a text/* MIME type or binary otherwise.
