



PrismX is a Cloud Security Dashboard, providing a single source of truth for cloud security issues based on AWS CIS Security Benchmarks. The dashboard provides a high-level overview for Executives as well as actionable data for Individual Contributors.

The built-in JIRA integration allows users to quickly triage issues with pre-filled templates. Automated daily scans give you the latest insights on your cloud security posture.

Tech Stack

Why not use ScoutSuite?

ScoutSuite is great. However, some organizations have dozens of AWS accounts, and ScoutSuite doesn't let you view all of your reports in a nice, high-level format.

Steps for Set Up

 1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

 2. python3 manage.py migrate

 3. python3 manage.py makemigrations

 4. python3 manage.py runserver

 5. Login to

 6. python3 manage.py createsuperuser (enter username, email, password)

 8. celery -A app worker -l info

 9. celery -A app beat -l info

Steps For Docker

docker build -t prismx .

docker run -p8000:8000 prismx

To Do:

Pull requests welcome!

Video Preview

PrismX Intro