


A tiny example, which demonstrates how to setup EPMDLess with TLS support for Elixir. Please note that certificates are provided for demonstration only purposes. Please generate own certificates for production.


  1. mix deps.get
  2. mix compile

And now in terminal A do:

ERL_LIBS=_build/dev/lib/ EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17012 iex --cookie 123 --name "a@" --erl "-proto_dist epmdless_proto" --erl "-start_epmd false"  --erl "-epmd_module epmdless_client" -S mix

And in terminal B do:

ERL_LIBS=_build/dev/lib/ EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17013 iex --cookie 123 --name "b@" --erl "-proto_dist epmdless_proto" --erl "-start_epmd false"  --erl "-epmd_module epmdless_client" -S mix

Now after you have started two Elixir applications, you can connect them in the following way:

Go to terminal A and do:

iex(a@> :epmdless_dist.add_node(:'b@', 17013)
iex(a@> :net_adm.ping(:'b@')

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 1-Jul-2019::11:09:50 ===
          supervisor: {local,inet_gethost_native_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.174.0>},{mfa,{inet_gethost_native,init,[[]]}}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 1-Jul-2019::11:09:50 ===
          supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.173.0>},

That's all.

Using with releases

Please check the configuration at vm.args. But technically after assembling the release with:

MIX_ENV=prod mix distillery.release

and running two nodes in the following way: EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17013 REPLACE_OS_VARS=true NODE=a _build/prod/rel/epmdless_elixir_example/bin/epmdless_elixir_example console


EPMDLESS_DIST_PORT=17012 REPLACE_OS_VARS=true NODE=b _build/prod/rel/epmdless_elixir_example/bin/epmdless_elixir_example console

I was able to ping connect them together:

iex(a@> :epmdless_dist.add_node(:'b@', 17012)
iex(a@> :net_adm.ping(:'b@')
iex(a@> Node.list

Note... unclear part

Ot looks like it does not work without sys.config file written in Erlang style.