

snotra_rss logo

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This is a Wagtail extension adding RSS aggregator feature and Twitter aggregator home

Big news

Now full support Fever API ! Please configure your account in Feed account

New in 0.2 twitter aggregator and now on pypi just install snotra-rss with pip

feed account



capture of article

Test with docker

# in snotra rss directory, type :
docker build -t snotra .
# run image with
docker run -p 8000:8000 --rm snotra


add the following line to your requirements.txt file :


after that add snotra_rss to INSTALLED_APPS section of your wagtail settings: please also add taggit if not already done

    'wagtail.contrib.table_block', # ajout support des tableaux

after that add urls of snotra_rss to your urls section of your wagtail apps

from snotra_rss import urls as snotra_urls

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^django-admin/', admin.site.urls),

    url(r'^admin/', include(wagtailadmin_urls)),
    url(r'^documents/', include(wagtaildocs_urls)),

    url(r'^search/$', search_views.search, name='search'),

    # For anything not caught by a more specific rule above, hand over to
    # Wagtail's page serving mechanism. This should be the last pattern in
    # the list:
    url(r'', include(wagtail_urls)),
    url(r'', include(snotra_urls))

    # Alternatively, if you want Wagtail pages to be served from a subpath
    # of your site, rather than the site root:
    #    url(r'^pages/', include(wagtail_urls)),


  1. First create feeds in your admin section, you should see Rss feeds section
  2. after that, go to your app url /update uri
  3. entries is updated, you can see them in the rss entries section

good usage

Release note
