Ollama Chat App 🐐 V2
<!-- [![Build and Deploy](]( -->This is a re write of the first version of Ollama chat, The new update will include some time saving features and make it more stable and available for Macos and Windows. Also a new freshly look will be included as well. <br />
Stay in touch for upcoming updates
<br />Todo list:
- Add server auto start
- Add dark mode
- fix some minor bugs
- Improve settings page
Welcome to my Ollama Chat, this is an interface for the Official ollama CLI to make it easier to chat. It includes futures such as:
- Improved interface design & user friendly
Auto check if ollama is running(NEW, Auto start ollama server) ⏰- Multiple conversations 💬
- Detect which models are available to use 📋
- Able to change the host where ollama is running at 🖥️
- Perstistance 📀
- Import & Export Chats 🚛
- Light & Dark Theme 🌗
For any questions, please contact Twan Luttik (Twitter - X)