

PMT (Package Manager Translator)

PMT is a lightweight command-line tool designed to facilitate the translation of package names between different package managers on Linux distributions, such as apt or dnf. Whether you're migrating projects or managing dependencies across different Linux distributions, PMT aims to simplify the process.



Instalation with golang package manager.

go install github.com/ericchiang/pup@latest
go install github.com/charmbracelet/gum@latest
go install github.com/sethigeet/watcher@latest


To build and install PMT, you can use the make tool. Use the following commands:

make install # Install globally
make install USR=$HOME/.local # Install only for the current user

The make command will automatically compile PMT, and the make install command will install it according to the specified options.




Basic Usage

To translate package names, just enter command of target package managers.

pmt <package-manager> <install-command> <packages...>

For example when fedora is target OS:

pmt apt install i3-wm bash
# translate to
sudo dnf install i3 bash

Isn't it cool?

Available Package Managers

PMT currently supports the following package managers on Linux distributions:

Package managers for future:

Additional Options




Given that the project is under development, expect some translation mistakes. Your contribution to improving PMT is welcome! If you encounter any issues, have feature requests, or wish to contribute enhancements, please don't hesitate to submit an issue or pull request.


I thank Jesus Christ that I have a laptop, time and opportunities to work on this project. And also to everyone who supports or is interested in this project.

Thank you for using PMT! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out. Happy translating! 🚀