


License API

Reactor is a fast and secure key-value library for Android, and has an embedded database based on the JSON structure and is a great alternative to Shared Preferences.

Features + Road map
First Edition 1.x.x
Second Edition 2.x.x

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Getting Started :

Add to your root build.gradle :Ï

allprojects {
  repositories {
      maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Add the dependency :

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.aaaamirabbas:reactor:1.5.6'
Simple API (default) :

In Kotlin :

val reactor = Reactor(context)
val reactor = Reactor(context, false) // disable encryption


reactor.put("firstName", "abbas")
reactor.put("lastName", null)
reactor.put("age", 23)
reactor.put("customDataClass", SampleData())


val firstName = reactor.get<String>("firstName")
val lastName : String? = reactor.get("lastName")
val isDay = reactor.get<Boolean>("isDay", false)
val customDataClass = reactor.get("customDataClass")


reactor.remove<Int>("year", "week")

In Java :

Reactor reactor = new Reactor(getContext());
Reactor reactor = new Reactor(getContext(), false); // disable encryption


reactor.put("firstName", "abbas");
reactor.put("lastName", null);
reactor.put("age", 23);
reactor.put("customDataClass", new SampleData());


String firstName = reactor.get("firstName", "abbas");
String lastName = reactor.get("lastName", null);
Integer age = reactor.get("age", 26);
SampleData customDataClass = reactor.get("array");


reactor.remove("age", 0);
Custom data class Sample :
// definition
data class SampleData(
    val id: Int = 24,
    val name: String = "abbas"
) : ReactorContract


// save, restore, remove
reactor.put("simpleData", SampleData())
reactor.get<SampleData>("simpleData") // return null if is not found
Need more help?
How to store and restore the custom class ?