


A statusline / bufferline for Neovim written in Lua. It is inspired by vim-airline but aims to be as light and simple as possible.

Note: I won't add new features/parts/themes if I don't need them. Feel free to submit PRs or fork the plugin though.



With packer.nvim:

use {'ojroques/nvim-hardline'}

With paq-nvim:

paq {'ojroques/nvim-hardline'}

With lazy.nvim:

-- init.lua:

-- plugins/hardline.lua:
return {


In your init.lua:

require('hardline').setup {}

If you're using a .vimrc or init.vim:

lua require('hardline').setup {}


You can pass options to the setup() function. Here are all available options with their default settings:

require('hardline').setup {
  bufferline = false,  -- disable bufferline
  bufferline_settings = {
    exclude_terminal = false,  -- don't show terminal buffers in bufferline
    show_index = false,        -- show buffer indexes (not the actual buffer numbers) in bufferline
  theme = 'default',   -- change theme
  sections = {         -- define sections
    {class = 'mode', item = require('hardline.parts.mode').get_item},
    {class = 'high', item = require('hardline.parts.git').get_item, hide = 100},
    {class = 'med', item = require('hardline.parts.filename').get_item},
    {class = 'med', item = '%='},
    {class = 'low', item = require('hardline.parts.wordcount').get_item, hide = 100},
    {class = 'error', item = require('hardline.parts.lsp').get_error},
    {class = 'warning', item = require('hardline.parts.lsp').get_warning},
    {class = 'warning', item = require('hardline.parts.whitespace').get_item},
    {class = 'high', item = require('hardline.parts.filetype').get_item, hide = 60},
    {class = 'mode', item = require('hardline.parts.line').get_item},

You can define your own sections using the sections list. Each element of that list is a table with the following attributes:

Available section parts

cwdCurrent working directory
filenameFilename and file status (readonly, modified, ...)
gitGit hunks (requires vim-gitgutter / vim-signify / gitsigns.nvim) and Git branch (requires vim-fugitive / gina.vim / vim-branchname / gitsigns.nvim)
lineLine and column positions
lspDiagnostics from Neovim LSP client
modeCurrent mode
treesitter-contextCurrent treesitter node (requires nvim-gps)
whitespaceTrailing whitespaces, mixed indent and Git conflict markers warnings
wordcountCurrent word count (enabled only for some filetypes)
