

:lotus_position: Purpose

Obsidian is great, but it doesn't offer the first-class Neovim experience that some of us just can't seem to do without. In the scenario where we edit notes in Neovim and view them rendered in Obsidian we would also like Obsidian to automatically follow navigation we do on the Neovim side.

That's where obsidian-bridge.nvim comes in. It mirrors navigation events in Neovim in the Obsidian app. If you open a note in Neovim the Obsidian App will show the same note automatically. If you navigate to another one or navigates to another Neovim buffer, the Obsidian app will show the corresponding note.

This is accomplished by leveraging the Local REST API plugin for Obsidian.

:movie_camera: Demo


:mechanic: Installation

  1. Make sure you have curl installed on your system and available on your PATH.

  2. Install and enable the Local REST API community plugin in Obsidian. <span style="color: red;">Important:</span> The default configuration of obsidian-bridge.nvim will try to connect to the non-encrypted server variant so remember to enable that in the Local REST API settings if you want to use it.

  3. Set the environment variable OBSIDIAN_REST_API_KEY to the API key found in the Local REST API settings within Obsidian, for example:

export OBSIDIAN_REST_API_KEY=<your api key, without the brackets>
  1. Install obsidian-bridge.nvim, here are examples for some popular package managers:
<details> <summary>Lazy</summary>
  dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
  config = function() require("obsidian-bridge").setup() end,
  event = {
    "BufReadPre *.md",
    "BufNewFile *.md",
  lazy = true,
  dependencies = {
</details> <details> <summary>Packer</summary>
    use {
      requires = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" }
      config = function() require('obsidian-bridge').setup() end
      requires = {
</details> <details> <summary>vim-plug</summary>
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'oflisback/obsidian-bridge.nvim'
  Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'

:gear: Configuration

If no config parameter is provided to the setup function this default configuration will be used:

  obsidian_server_address = "http://localhost:27123"
  scroll_sync = false -- See "Sync of buffer scrolling" section below

Pass a config table as parameter to the setup function to provide an alternative server address, for example to use with lazy:

  dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
  config = function() require("obsidian-bridge").setup({
    obsidian_server_address = "https://localhost:27124"
  }) end,
  event = {
    "BufReadPre *.md",
    "BufNewFile *.md",
  lazy = true

:keyboard: Commands

:bulb: Feel free to suggest additional useful commands via issue or PR.

:scroll: Sync of buffer scrolling

Ideally scrolling within a note in neovim should also make the scroll position be centered in Obsidian. This is possible, but requires a patched version of Local REST API so we'll have to build it ourselves. For more info about the patch's status see this discussion.

Two ways of doing this, either use BRAT build or build the forked version

A) Use BRAT to install my forked version of obsidian-local-rest-api
  1. Install the Obsidian BRAT plugin.

  2. In the settings for BRAT, select "Add beta plugin with frozen version".

  3. Add https://github.com/oflisback/obsidian-local-rest-api with release version tag v1.0.0. The added plugin is called "Local REST API with scroll".

B) Build a forked version of obsidian-local-rest-api

Specifically what's required is a build based on this fork which hopefully can get integrated in the upstream project eventually.

Start off by cloning the patched fork to a folder named obsidian-local-rest-api-with-scroll:

git clone https://github.com/oflisback/obsidian-local-rest-api obsidian-local-rest-api-with-scroll

Then do npm install followed by npm run build inside that folder.

Now that you've built your own version of the plugin, place the obsidian-local-rest-api-with-scroll in your vault's .obsidian/plugins/ folder and enable the "Local REST API with Scroll" plugin in the Obsidian settings panel.

After either completing (A) or (B)

The final thing to do is to set scroll_sync = true in your obsidian-bridge.nvim configuration and update the OBSIDIAN_REST_API_KEY value to what was generated for the new version of the plugin.

Now scrolling a note in neovim should also result in scrolling in Obsidian. Note however that this only works if the note is in <b>editing mode</b> in Obsidian. Any suggestions on how to make it work also in view mode would be very appreciated, until then make sure that notes are opened in editing mode by default via the Obsidian setting Editor -> Default view for new tabs -> Editing view.

:books: Other projects for Neovim + Obsidian

:people_holding_hands: Contributing

Contributions, bug reports and suggestions are very welcome.

If you have a suggestion that would make the project better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.