

Phototonic Image Viewer: batch-processing fork


This project is unmaintained. See Geeqie for an alternative.


Phototonic is an image viewer and organizer built with Qt and Exiv2, released under GNU General Public License v3. The ec1oud fork is for work on batch-processing features: specifically to take a directory full of crooked webcam shots and align them well enough to make a time-lapse video.



<img src="images/screenshot.jpg" width="300">


11 Mar 2018 - v2.1
28 Feb 2018 - v2.0
15 Jan 2018 - v2.0 - Snapshot
12 Nov 2015 - v1.7.1
8 Aug 2015 - v1.6.17

Older updates

Optional Dependencies
Quick Build Instructions on Linux
$ tar -zxvf phototonic.tar.gz
$ cd phototonic
$ qmake
$ make
$ make install
$ sudo make install
Building on Windows

Building on Windows is only supported with mingw at the moment (the source code is probably compatible with msvc, but this was not tested yet). First get the exiv2 library. Binary version is available from http://www.exiv2.org/download.html (download mingw version) or build it manually.

Note that Qt libraries must be built against the same major mingw version as exiv2 is built against (i.e. Qt built with mingw 5 and higher won't be compatible with exiv2 built with mingw 4.9). Currently exiv2 binary package for mingw is built with mingw 4.9 therefore the latest compatible Qt version available in binary is 5.6.3 (available via Qt Maintenance Tool).

If using the binary package from exiv2 website, unpack the mingw directory to the root of the repository (only mingw/lib and mingw/include are essential). Then build phototonic as usual - via qmake + mingw32-make in the console, or via QtCreator (remember to choose the compatible Qt Kit).