

Whisperer Voice SDK Demo

Whisperer is a Unity VR game experience using the Voice SDK for interactions. This repository includes the complete buildable Unity project.


Getting Started

Getting the code

Ensure you have Git LFS installed:

git lfs install

Clone this repo or download it as a zip file.

git clone https://github.com/oculus-samples/voicesdk-samples-whisperer.git

All of the project files can be found in Assets/Whisperer. This folder includes all scripts and assets to run the experience. This project depends on Voice SDK v59.

Configuring Wit.ai

Using Whisperer reqiures a Wit.ai account.

  1. Once logged in, on wit.ai/apps, click New App and import the zipped app backup included in this repo. The GitHub sample will be listed on the My Apps page.

  2. Then find the Server Access Token in your wit.ai app setup under Managment > Settings from the left navigation panel. Go to Unity Editor, in the toolbar find Meta > Voice SDK > Get Started, select Custom App, and paste in your Server Access Token, click Create and choose a location to store the new app configuration, and wait until the Wit Configurations tab in the Voice Hub is fully populated.

  3. Now go to the Assets/Whisperer/Scenes/Loader scene, find the Management game object under Hierarchy. Click on the Management game object under Inspector and find the App Voice Experience (Script) and TTS Wit (Script).

    • Expand App Voice Experience (Script) > Wit Runtime Configuration, select the wit.ai app configuration you just created.
    • Expand TTS Wit (Script) > Request Settings, select the same wit.ai app configuration.

For more information on setting up an App, check out the Wit.ai Quickstart.

Note: Wit.ai will need to train its model before it's ready to use. On Wit.ai, the current status of the training is indicated by the dot next to the app name.

Run the game

You can run the game in-editor or on a Quest headset.

  1. To run Whisperer in-editor, after configuring Wit.ai (see below), open the project in Unity. Then open the Assets/Whisperer/Scenes/Loader scene and press play.

  2. To run Whisperer on the Quest headset, go to File > Build Settings, Choose Android Platform, click Switch Platform, making sure the headset is connected, then click Build And Run. Please consult Set Up Development Environment and Headset for more details.

How To Play

Whisperer's introduction will help guide you, through narrative instruction and visual prompts, how to interact with objects using your hands and voice.

Unity Editor Play Mode Navigation

Project Structure

The Loader scene contains two game objects that persist throughout the entire experience: Player Rig and Management.

The Player Rig is the XR Origin, and contains the necessary components for Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit, as well as the SpeakGestureWatcher.cs component and any UI canvases.

Attached to the Management game object are AppVoiceExperience.cs (part of Voice SDK) and LevelLoader.cs. LevelLoader additively loads the necessary Unity scenes for each level, unloading them when a level is completed.

Level Loader

Each level consists of two scenes additively loaded by the levelLoader -- a base scene containing all static geometry and non-interactable objects, and a level scene containing all scene logic, animated objects, and listenable objects for that particular level.

Every level contains a Level Manager prefab and a Listenables prefab. The Level Manager is responsible for that scene's logic and instantiates a VoiceUI prefab for any objects derived from Listenable.cs at Start().

App Voice Experience

AppVoiceExperience is the core component of the Voice SDK. It holds the reference to the Wit.ai App Config asset, sends data to Wit.ai for processing, and responds with the appropriate Unity Events. When an object derived from Listenable.cs is selected and deselected by the player, it subscribes and unsubscribes to the events on AppVoiceExperience.

Voice SDK

Whisperer utilizes several different methods of handling responses from Wit.ai. Depending on the type of interaction (action) we're trying to resolve, we use either intents, entities, or manual parsing of the text transcription.

To determine when to activate and deactivate Wit.ai, the SpeakGestureWatcher.cs component checks the position of the tracked hand controllers and raycasts for objects that contain the Listenable.cs class. If the player's hands are in position and an object is found, AppVoiceExperience.Activate() is called. If at any time the player breaks the pose, Wit.ai is deactivated.

The AppVoiceExperience class itself is initated in the LevelManager.cs parent class which all subsequent levels inherit from.

If an object derived from Listenable.cs is selected and the player says something, the Whisperer will wait for a response from Wit.ai, then read the WitResponseNode to determine the action to be taken.

Example: If a ForceMovable.cs is selected and the utterance "Move right a lot" is detected by Wit.ai, we read the intent and entities from the WitResponseNode to determine the direction and strength of move force applied. Whisperer reads the returned intent (move), direction entity (right) and strength entity (strong) and performs an appropriate action.

Conduit Implementation

This code base uses Conduit framework from Voice SDK.

To use Conduit, simply annotate the callback method with the MatchIntent attribute. When changes are made to the callback method, such as adding, removing, or changing it, Unity generates a new manifest file. Please note that Use Conduit should be checked in your wit config asset file as documented here.

For example, in HeroPlant.cs the Move method takes two parameters: a ForceDirection enum and a WitResponseNode.

In this code Move is decorated with the MatchIntent attribute, with intent value move. By using the Conduit framework, these callback methods can be automatically registered without the need for manual registration.

public override void Move(ForceDirection direction, WitResponseNode node)
    // method implementation

Intents and Entities

These intents are used to move objects in the scene. The move, pull, push, and jump intents can be used with strength and direction entities. For example, "Push away from me a little bit."

The entity direction determines the direction an object is moved when accompanied with the move, pull, push, or jump intents.

The entity move_strength determies the strength of the force applied to an object when it's moved.

Generic intents for interacting with objects such as the radio, drawers, water hose or treasure chest:

Intents for interacting with specific objects, include:

The entity color is used to identify when the user has communicated a color selection to the bird in level 3.


The Oculus License applies to the SDK and supporting material. The MIT licence applies to the files and assets in the Assets/Whisperer folder. Otherwise, if an individual file does not indicate which license it is subject to, then the Oculus License applies.