

opam.ocaml.org maintenance scripts

opam.ocaml.org is hosted on a Debian VM ; @avsm, @samoht and @AltGr have accounts there, but everything of interest is in an 'opam' account:

 |-- git
 |   |-- opam     (branch 1.2; updated every night)
 |   |-- opam2    (branch master; updated every night)
 |   |-- opamfu   (updated, reset, compiled and installed every night)
 |   |-- opam2web (updated, reset, compiled and installed every night)
 |   `-- scripts  (no auto-update: git pull manually)
 |-- local        (where the above are installed)
 |   |-- bin      (contains the binaries and symlinks to the scripts)
 |   `-- share
 |-- var
 |   `-- log      (holds both the apache logs and cron logs)
 |-- www          (currently deployed opam web. Rebuilt every hour)
 |-- www-bak      (previous version)
 `-- www-new      (version currently being built by the scripts, swapped with www once done)

The scripts include:

What is updated only manually

Pre-requirements and initialisation

Additionally to the above: