

Lwt_eio - run Lwt code from within Eio

Lwt_eio is a Lwt engine that uses Eio. It can be used to run Lwt and Eio code in a single domain. It allows converting existing code to Eio incrementally.

See lib/lwt_eio.mli for the API.

The examples directory contains some example programs and instructions on using them.

Porting a Lwt Application to Eio

This guide will show how to migrate an existing Lwt application or library to Eio. We'll start with this Lwt program, which reads in a list of lines, sorts them, and writes the result to stdout:

# #require "lwt.unix";;
# open Lwt.Syntax;;

# let process_lines src fn =
    let stream = Lwt_io.read_lines src in
    let* lines = Lwt_stream.to_list stream in
    let* lines = fn lines in
    let rec write = function
      | [] -> Lwt.return_unit
      | x :: xs ->
        let* () = Lwt_io.(write_line stdout) x in
        write xs
    let* () = write lines in
    Lwt_io.(flush stdout);;
val process_lines :
  Lwt_io.input_channel -> (string list -> string list Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t =

# let sort src =
    process_lines src @@ fun lines ->
    let* () = Lwt.pause () in       (* Simulate async work *)
    Lwt.return (List.sort String.compare lines);;
val sort : Lwt_io.input_channel -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>

# Lwt_main.run begin
    let input = Lwt_io.(of_bytes ~mode:input)
      (Lwt_bytes.of_bytes (Bytes.of_string "b\na\nd\nc\n")) in
    sort input
- : unit = ()

The first step is to replace Lwt_main.run, and check that the program still works:

# #require "eio_main";;
# #require "lwt_eio";;
# open Eio.Std;;

# Eio_main.run @@ fun env ->
  Lwt_eio.with_event_loop ~clock:env#clock @@ fun _ ->
  Lwt_eio.run_lwt @@ fun () ->
  let input = Lwt_io.(of_bytes ~mode:input)
                (Lwt_bytes.of_bytes (Bytes.of_string "b\na\nd\nc\n")) in
  sort input;;
- : unit = ()

Here, we're using the Eio event loop instead of the normal Lwt one, but everything else stays the same:

  1. Eio_main.run starts the Eio event loop, replacing Lwt_main.run.
  2. Lwt_eio.with_event_loop starts the Lwt event loop, using Eio as its backend.
  3. Lwt_eio.run_lwt switches from Eio context to Lwt context.

Any piece of code is either Lwt code or Eio code. You use run_lwt and run_eio to switch back and forth as necessary (run_lwt lets Eio code call Lwt code, while run_eio lets Lwt code call Eio).

Note: When I first tried the conversion, it failed with Fatal error: exception Unhandled because I'd forgotten to flush stdout in the Lwt code. That meant that sort returned before Lwt had completely finished and then it tried to flush lazily after the Eio loop had finished, which is an error.

We can now start converting code to Eio. There are several places we could start. Here we'll begin with the process_lines function. We'll take an Eio flow instead of a Lwt_io input:

# let process_lines src fn =
    let* lines =
      Lwt_eio.run_eio @@ fun () ->
      Eio.Buf_read.of_flow src ~max_size:max_int
      |> Eio.Buf_read.lines
      |> List.of_seq
    let* lines = fn lines in
    let rec write = function
      | [] -> Lwt.return_unit
      | x :: xs ->
        let* () = Lwt_io.(write_line stdout) x in
        write xs
    let* () = write lines in
    Lwt_io.(flush stdout);;
val process_lines :
  [> Eio__Flow.source_ty ] r ->
  (string list -> string list Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>

Note that process_lines is still a Lwt function, but it now uses run_eio internally to read from the input using Eio.

Warning: It's important not to call Eio functions directly from Lwt, but instead wrap such code with run_eio. If you replace the Lwt_eio.run_eio @@ fun () -> line with Lwt.return @@ then it will appear to work in simple cases, but it will act as a blocking read from Lwt's point of view. It's similar to trying to turn a blocking call like Stdlib.input_line into an asynchronous one using Lwt.return. It doesn't actually make it concurrent. Using Lwt_eio.with_event_loop ~debug:true will detect these problems, by blocking effects when in Lwt mode.

We can now test it using an Eio flow:

# let sort src =
    process_lines src @@ fun lines ->
    let* () = Lwt.pause () in       (* Simulate async work *)
    Lwt.return (List.sort String.compare lines);;
val sort : [> Eio__Flow.source_ty ] r -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>

# Eio_main.run @@ fun env ->
  Lwt_eio.with_event_loop ~debug:true ~clock:env#clock @@ fun _ ->
  Lwt_eio.run_lwt @@ fun () ->
  sort (Eio.Flow.string_source "b\na\nd\nc\n");;
- : unit = ()

Let's finish converting process_lines:

# let process_lines ~src ~dst fn =
    Eio.Buf_read.of_flow src ~max_size:max_int
    |> Eio.Buf_read.lines
    |> List.of_seq
    |> fn
    |> List.iter (fun line ->
       Eio.Flow.copy_string (line ^ "\n") dst
val process_lines :
  src:[> Eio__Flow.source_ty ] r ->
  dst:[> Eio.Flow.sink_ty ] r -> (string list -> string list) -> unit = <fun>

Now process_lines is an Eio function. The Lwt.t types have disappeared from its signature.

Note that we now take an extra dst argument for the output: Eio functions should always receive access to external resources explicitly.

To use the new version, we'll have to update sort to wrap its Lwt callback:

# let sort ~src ~dst =
    process_lines ~src ~dst @@ fun lines ->
    Lwt_eio.run_lwt @@ fun () ->
    let* () = Lwt.pause () in       (* Simulate async work *)
    Lwt.return (List.sort String.compare lines);;
val sort :
  src:[> Eio__Flow.source_ty ] r -> dst:[> Eio.Flow.sink_ty ] r -> unit =

sort itself now looks like a normal Eio function from its signature. We can therefore now call it directly from Eio:

# Eio_main.run @@ fun env ->
  Lwt_eio.with_event_loop ~debug:true ~clock:env#clock @@ fun _ ->
    ~src:(Eio.Flow.string_source "b\na\nd\nc\n")
- : unit = ()

Finally, we can convert sort's callback to Eio code and drop the use of Lwt and Lwt_eio completely:

# let sort ~src ~dst =
    process_lines ~src ~dst @@ fun lines ->
    Fiber.yield ();     (* Simulate async work *)
    List.sort String.compare lines;;
val sort :
  src:[> Eio__Flow.source_ty ] r -> dst:[> Eio.Flow.sink_ty ] r -> unit =

# Eio_main.run @@ fun env ->
    ~src:(Eio.Flow.string_source "b\na\nd\nc\n")
- : unit = ()

Key points:

For a more in-depth example, see the ICFP 2023 Lwt-to-Eio porting tutorial.


How it works

Integration with Lwt is quite simple, as Lwt already has support for pluggable event loops. When Lwt wants to wait for a file descriptor to become ready, it calls Lwt_eio, which forks a new Eio fiber to perform the appropriate operation (Eio_unix.await_readable, etc) and then calls Lwt's callback.

If Lwt wants to run a blocking operation, it will use a thread from its pool of systhreads to do that. When the operation is complete, the systhread signals the main thread by making a notification file descriptor become ready, and this is then picked up by the main event loop in the usual way.

Signals registered with Lwt_unix.on_signal likewise work by waking the main thread.

What all of this means is that Lwt threads and Eio fibers are scheduled using a single queue and do not starve each other (any more than cooperative threads would do when not mixing concurrency systems).

If an Eio fiber is cancelled while running run_lwt, it cancels the Lwt promise too. If the Lwt promise returned by run_eio is cancelled, the Eio fiber is cancelled too.

See test/test.md for some tests of this.