eio_js - Eio for JavaScript environments
The following packages are provided:
, an Eio counterpart to packagejs_of_ocaml-lwt
, a package providing Eio variants of Brr functions (which returns directly instead of returning a future);eio_js_backend
, a common Eio JavaScript backend.
You can use Eio_brr.start
or Js_of_ocaml_eio.Eio_js.start
to execute a function asynchronously in a context where Eio operations can be performed.
Here is a short example using Eio_brr
let counter = get_element "counter" in
let text = get_element "text" in
let output = get_element "output" in
Eio_brr.start @@ fun () ->
(fun () ->
(* A little text editor *)
while true do
let ev = Ev.keyup (El.as_target text) in
let target = Jv.get (Ev.to_jv ev) "target" in
let text = Jv.get target "value" |> Jv.to_jstr in
El.set_children output [ El.txt text ]
(fun () ->
(* A little timer counting up *)
let i = ref 0 in
while true do
El.set_children counter [ El.txt' (string_of_int !i ^ "s") ];
Eio_brr.G.set_timeout ~ms:1000;
incr i