


The sandmark-nightly-config repository consists of the custom configuration files used to run sandmark-nightly scripts. The custom JSON files are present in the config/ folder, one per machine. Both the sequential and parallel Sandmark benchmarks are built and executed, by default, for each entry.

Adding your compiler branch to the nightly runs

The config folder includes two JSON files, custom_navajo.json and custom_turing.json, for running the benchmarks on the Navajo and Turing servers respectively (see sandmark.tarides.com for more details about these machines).

You are encouraged to create a PR for your compiler development branch to be executed nightly on both the server machines. The following three URLs are supported:

  1. Branch: A compiler development branch whose changes need to be compared nightly.

  2. Commit: A specific SHA1 commit on which the benchmarks should be executed.

  3. Pull Request: An open pull request to check for performance regressions.

A sample custom JSON file illustrating the above three URLs is given below:

    "url": "https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/trunk.tar.gz",
    "name": "5.00+trunk",
    "expiry": "2100-01-01"
    "url": "https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/b73cbbea4bc40ffd26a459d594a39b99cec4273d.zip",
    "name": "5.00+stable+b73cbb",
    "expiry": "2100-01-01"
    "url": "https://github.com/sadiqj/ocaml/archive/refs/heads/eventring-pr.zip",
    "name": "5.00+trunk+sadiqj+pr10964",
    "expiry": "2022-02-25"


The following attributes are supported for specifying the custom variant build:

urlYesSpecify trunk or commit or branch URL* https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/trunk.tar.gz <br /> * https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/archive/b73cbbea4bc40ffd26a459d594a39b99cec4273d.zip <br /> * https://github.com/sadiqj/ocaml/archive/refs/heads/eventring-pr.zip
nameYesAn OCaml variant name with developer name, branch or PR* 5.0.0+trunk+sequential <br /> * 5.0.0+trunk+sadiqj+pr10964 <br /> * 5.0.0+trunk+parallel
expiryYesA date (YYYY-MM-DD) until which the nightly runs should be executed2022-02-25
configureNoconfigure options used when building the compiler* "-q"
runparamsNoruntime parameters used when building the compiler* "v=0x400"
environmentNoEnvironment variables passed when running the benchmarks"OCAMLRUNPARAM='s=2M'"


The nightly results can be viewed at https://sandmark.tarides.com

Platform-specific instructions

The turing configuration runs on an Intel Xeon scalable processor based on Skylake. It is recommended to apply the workaround to the JCC erratum microcode update (https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/processors/mitigations-jump-conditional-code-erratum.pdf).

To do so, add a line

    "configure": "CC='gcc -Wa,-mbranches-within-32B' AS='as -mbranches-within-32B'",

(for gcc) or

    "configure": "CC='clang -mbranches-within-32B-boundaries' AS='as -mbranches-within-32B'",

(for clang) to the configuration.